the door and they went inside.
    Ash was going to have sex with my sister. They were going to roll around on his bed and have a night filled with passion. I would stay in my apartment, listening to the sound of silence and my own thoughts. I cared about him so much but I missed my chance with him. Now Payton kissed the lips I longed to touch. She was feeling his soft sheets under her bare skin. And she was feeling him between her legs…
    Before I knew it, tears were falling down my face.
    I lost him.
    I didn’t want to get hurt but I did anyway. I thought staying away from Ash would keep me safe.
    That totally backfired.
    I couldn’t look at him. I didn’t want to see him. I couldn’t pretend that my heart wasn’t shattered into a million pieces. I didn’t think Jace left anything behind but apparently he did.
    I’d be avoiding my grandmother for months but I couldn’t put it off anymore. I was trying to protect her so she wouldn’t know I was in pain, but it was pretty obvious something was wrong since I disappeared. My grandmother was my mom and my dad. She raised me and told me to pursue my dreams. She loved me unconditionally. She was the only stability I ever had.
    And I felt like a brat for avoiding her.
    I finally arrived at the hospital and walked into her room, carrying a plate of fresh cinnamon rolls.
    She smiled when she saw me. “My girl…”
    I was glad she wasn’t mad at me. “Hey, Nana.” I kissed her cheek and set the food on her bedside. “Sorry I haven’t been around much…”
    “You’ve been busy?” The accusation was in her eyes.
    “Yes…and no.”
    Her eyes bore into mine like she knew something.
    I couldn’t hide anything when she did that. “Jace and I broke up,” I blurted.
    She didn’t seem surprised. “Are you okay?”
    I shrugged. “Yeah. It’s been a few months so I don’t really think about him anymore. But he really hurt me, and I guess I can’t let that go.”
    “Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. Perhaps you belong with someone else.”
    Ash’s face immediately formed in my mind. “Maybe…” I was surprised my grandmother didn’t ask what happened between Jace and I. “He cheated on me.” I hated saying the words out loud. “And I feel so stupid…”
    “I should have seen it. If I just opened my ignorant eyes, I would have realized what was going on right in front of my nose.”
    “That doesn’t make you stupid. You trusted him implicitly. And since you never even considered cheating on someone it’s hard for you to understand why he would do it to you. It’s not a bad thing. Actually, it’s a good thing.”
    “Well, I’ll never make that mistake again.”
    “You mean you’ll never trust anyone again?”
    “What would that solve?”
    I stared at the wall across from me, looking at all the cabinets and drawers. “I just don’t want to feel like that again…it’s too painful.”
    “Just because one guy hurt you doesn’t mean another one will. Don’t punish the rest of the male population for one loser.” She gave me a stern look. “There are great men out there. I was married to one for thirty years.”
    My grandmother never had a bad thing to say about my grandfather. Every story she recounted talked about happy moments, never sad ones. Their love still endured even after death.
    “You’ll find the right guy…even if you already know him.”
    Ash came into my mind again. But now he was dating my sister. He was moving on, finding someone else to entertain him. He wouldn’t wait for me forever, and that’s exactly what I told him to do. But that didn’t make me feel any better.
    When I was with him, everything felt right. We clicked together in a way I never did with Jace. Our relationship started off rocky, but he was still wonderful to me even when he was an ass. And he changed so much over time. I knew he was a beautiful person underneath all that hardness. But he only showed it to
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