Unlocking the Heavens: Release the Supernatural Power of Your Worship

Unlocking the Heavens: Release the Supernatural Power of Your Worship Read Online Free PDF

Book: Unlocking the Heavens: Release the Supernatural Power of Your Worship Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shane Warren
He exercises His merciful authority from that praise-built throne.
    Jesus spoke to the woman and persuaded her that He was the Messiah. She summoned the whole town to come and see him. (See John 4.) Before the day was over, Jacob’s Well was providing much more than plain water—it had become a source of living water.

    In the chapters of this book, I will reveal the secrets that I have found at the well with the Lord. You will find some keys woven into the pages of this book that could very well turn your life around to the glory of God and unleash the abundance of Heaven on your behalf. Why not start now? Before you read another word, simply take the next fifteen to thirty minutes to worship. Before you finish this book, find a quiet place, lift your voice, and open your heart, and start to worship. I am asking God to give you and your fellow readers the same throne room experience that I have had so many times.
    Build the altar of worship! That is where you will find all of the resources you need. You cannot find your resources in human strength. They can be found only as you soar to the high places of the earth through worship. Allow the wings of your worship to use the winds of your turmoil to take you out of this troubled earthly atmosphere into the abundance of a heavenly one.

Chapter 4
    A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” …Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans
(J OHN 4:7,9) .
    W hen Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman drawing water in the middle of the day, which is highly unusual, we quickly learn from their conversation that there are probably some good reasons for her timing. Normally, she would go the well to fetch water in the middle of the day to avoid the scrutiny, rejection, and even mockery of the other women. As Jesus noted, she was far from being an expert on relationships, having suffered the pain of five divorces and currently living out of wedlock with a sixth man. In all likelihood, she did not come to the well when the others did because her lifestyle had shamed her before the other women of the community. Perhaps she could not take any more of the other women’s questioning her about her serial relationships in a society that highly valued monogamy. She had run out of explanations, and the less said, the better. Her current lifestyle was her own business. Besides, every time the subject came up, the wounds of relationships gone bad were reopened just as botched surgeries that can never heal. The oppression of past failures and reproach for her current questionable lifestyle enforced a penalty of isolation and inconvenience. Trips to the well in the heat of the day were only part of the picture.
    Today she could not retrieve her supply of water without being noticed. What was this Jewish man doing here? As He asked for a drink, His tone of voice did not seem to indicate any hint of the traditional antagonism between the Jews and the Samaritans.
    Jesus’ prophetic eyes must have seen a desire for breakthrough in the heart of this woman. I must admit that of all of the people in the Bible, a woman of her character would not have been my personal choice of someone to whom to reveal the greatest revelation about worship in the New Testament; however, “the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). In His mercy, the Lord gave this nameless Samaritan woman a key that would change her life, heal her brokenness, and remove her shame—the key of worship.
    Right away, the conversation took an interesting turn. No sooner did He reveal her deepest secrets and thus prove that He was more than just another thirsty traveler, than He immediately started teaching her about worship. There, sitting on the edge
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