Unexpected Gifts: (The Steamy Version) (A Castle Mountain Lodge Romance Series Book 1)
    After Andi had disappeared to his room, Colin, feeling awkward and unsure of what to do next, decided to go over to the main building to explore a bit. He’d only been gone an hour when he went back to see if she’d like to have dinner with him. But finding her gone, he went back to the Lodge, hoping to find her. It was probably a bit on the desperate side, and completely out of character for him to chase after a woman, but there was something about her.
    Trying not to look like he was waiting for someone, Colin chose a large wingback chair close to the fire that had a perfect view of the main doors. He flicked through a magazine, but didn’t bother glancing at it. The Lodge was busy with people coming and going in different directions, no doubt to one of the many events or activities offered. Colin had picked up a schedule and chatted with Carmen earlier, who, as it turned out, was also the social director. Rose had been right; from a quick look at everything they had planned for the week, Castle Mountain Lodge was the perfect place to enjoy Christmas. There was everything from gingerbread house building to sleigh rides. Colin looked closely at the itinerary for that one. He could imagine that snuggling up to Andi, under a warm blanket, while riding through the pines, would be the perfect way to spend an evening.
    He sighed, tossed the magazine aside and stood. He had to stop thinking of her that way. But the truth was, ever since seeing her in the lobby, he couldn’t stop thinking of her like that. Wrong or not. Stretching his arms over his head, he turned and looked out the window. Before he could berate himself yet again for his poor decision to leave Andi alone, he caught a glimpse through the window of a woman who looked a lot like her. She was bundled up against the weather, but he knew. It was her.
    Colin moved across the main room quickly and reached the side door at the exact moment Andi opened it. A blast of winter air preceded her.
    “Andi,” he said. “I was wondering where you went.”
    Did he really just say that? Colin inwardly cringed at his eagerness.
    “Oh, hi.” She looked up at him. Her face was flushed from the cold, crystals of ice formed on her eyelashes, and the very tip of her nose was red. He surprised himself by wanting to bend and kiss it, to feel the coolness on his lips.
    But something was wrong. She looked distracted or upset. He couldn’t tell which. Female emotions had never been his strong suit. “Are you okay?” By instinct, he took her arm and led her towards a group of chairs. She went willingly, but shook her head in protest.
    “No,” she said. “I mean, yes. I’m fine. Nothing happened. I went for a walk to get some fresh air, and I probably just stayed outside a little too long.” She pulled the knit cap off her head and fluffed out her hair. “It’s beautiful out there,” she said and when she looked up again, any trace of sadness there might have been was gone.
    “I don’t know about beautiful,” he said. “But definitely cold. Can I buy you a hot drink to warm up?”
    She smiled and unzipped her thick coat. “I think I’d like that, thank you.”
    Together they walked down the long, open hallway that led away from the main room. There was a variety of gift shops lining one side of the corridor. Each shop held the usual t-shirts and coffee mugs emblazoned with pictures of the Canadian Rockies or wild animals. Things Colin used to find cheesy and tacky, but after being gone for so long, he could appreciate why visitors wanted to take a bit of Canada home with them.
    They walked until they reached a small cafe-type of restaurant. “I know there are a few more choices in the village, but this looks nice,” Colin said.
    “I don’t want to go outside again, if it’s all the same to you.”
    “Here it is, then.” Colin led them into the dim room and to a table near the fireplace.
    After the waitress took their orders—a hot chocolate with Baileys for
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