Understanding Sexual Attraction
your money and status, however , usually this take more time to improve than the other two areas. Work on improving this area, but understand that of the three it is the least important in terms of attraction.
    The third is personality, and this is the one you should spend most of your time and energy improving. You can show and develop these qualities with much less work. By developing most of these qualities it will actually make you "look" better and possibly help you to advance in your career to improve your status. Guys think that personality isn’t important to women because they have good personalities but women aren’t swarming over them. They may have good personalities, but they don’t have personalities with enough of the good characteristics.
    Remember that with any of these attributes, if they are below average, can actually kill attraction. For example, a very unattractive body will not only NOT receive any attraction, it will kill other attraction that you have with the girl from other attributes. Average is the great equalizer. What is better than average is usually attractive, and what is worse than average is usually unattractive. The quiz at the end of the book will help you to understand this better. Attraction is a positive thing, but there is also a negative. If you have something about you that is killing a woman’s attraction for you, get rid of it. If you can’t get rid of it, focus on other positive attributes so you can make up for it.
    Base attraction is the core of what makes women sexually attracted to men. In the next chapters I will show you the ways to strengthen the three main parts of attraction and to use psychology to help build even more attraction in the moment.

Chapter 5.1 Graphs

Chapter 6: Body Language
    The reason that body language is so important is because it is visual proof of all the positive attributes of Base Attraction. Your body language can improve your looks, say that you have money and status, and convey positive personality attributes. Body language is a very large part of attraction. You can lie very easily about your job, but it's much harder to make your body lie. Body language is a very big subject. I have written about it before in my book 120 Body Language Secrets That She Likes You, and I will be writing about how to have good body language around women in my next book. However, I will touch on some basics here.
    Eye Contact - Eye contact is the most important type of body language because it shows others where your thoughts lie. Are your eyes fixed on the floor or in the eyes of the person you are speaking with? Somewhere in the middle?
    Here is some body language you should try to do: With women, you want to have strong eye contact at all times, however, it is good to look away at times. Look away as you think about what they are saying, then, go back to looking into their eyes.
    Smiling - Smiling is very important, but not just smiling, smiling the right way. Among primates, smiling is seen as a sign of submission. If you smile you do not want to smile as a sign of submission rather, as a sign of confidence and reassurance. Your usual smile should be more of a smirk and your other smile should be one of reassurance. If somebody says something funny, don't laugh because you want them to like you, laugh because it's funny. If you do this it will come out in your body language.
    Posture - It's very important to have good posture. The two important things to remember with posture are to have your chin up and shoulders back. You want to keep your chin parallel with the ground, and you want to keep your shoulders back with your chest slightly protruding at all times. This will make you come across as more confident and dominant.
    Be Relaxed and Comfortable - Look at the body language of James Bond; he is always calm and relaxed up until the moment he springs into action. His movements are sure and not rushed. He slowly and confidently faces
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