Understanding Sexual Attraction
you are hitting all those attraction triggers it is already overkill. Every woman will want a piece of you.
    Here is another fictional character. He is a different type of personality, but still very attraction to women.
    Van Wilder - Confident, Desired by Women, Identity, Leader, Adventurous, Fearless, Passionate, Charming, Charismatic, Aloof, and most of all Fun.
    He is not your typical ‘ladies’ man’ type, but he still kills it with the ladies. He does it a slightly different way than the previous, but still very effectively.

The Dark Triad
    There is a dark side to the personality types that women are naturally attracted to. This dark side is called The Dark Triad. It is three personality types that are considered negative, which women are naturally very attracted to, even after all the flaws that these personalities have.
    Narcissism - The narcissist believes the world revolves around him. He feels entitled to all things. He has a large ego and is only thinking of himself.
    The reason the narcissist is so attractive to women is because his confidence is sky high. Confidence doesn't get much higher than it will with a narcissist. He is so selfish that he is always aloof. In his mind he doesn't NEED anybody else, because he has himself.
    Machiavellianism - The machiavellist is always trying to manipulate others to do exactly what he wants. He has no regard for others.
    The reason a machiavellist is attractive is because he will have charm and charisma. He is always thinking of ways to make others do his bidding, and this will help him to develop excellent charm and charisma.
    Psychopathy - The psychopath seeks thrills impulsively. He is completely selfish and superficially charming.
    The reason a psychopath can be attractive to women is because of his danger and fearlessness. They are also aloof and can be charming.

Anti-heartbreak Characteristics
    When you ask a woman what she likes in a man, you won't get exactly the characteristics that really are attractive to her. Most likely you will get the Anti-heartbreak Characteristics. Nearly every woman has had her heart broken before; because of this women will be wary of certain things.
    No matter how attracted a woman is to you, she needs to know that you really like her. The reason for this is some guy in the past that didn't care about her caus ed her pain. Women will look to see if you feel attraction for them, before letting themselves open up to you. Another thing is that she has to know that she can obtain you. Or else her letting herself feel that attraction will only end in heartbreak.
    A common thing a girl will check before letting herself feel too much for you is if you are a player or not. It is one thing to be desired by women, but it is another to constantly be breaking their hearts. The most common way for a woman to do this is to accuse you of being a player playfully. Even though she seems like she is joking, she is judging you, taking your reaction very seriously. She is worried about being hurt.
    Honesty is another one of these characteristics that become so important to a girl after she has been hurt. It is not an attraction trigger. Learning whether you are honest is a way to prevent you from hurting her.
    Only show anti-heart breaker characteristics after she is very clearly attracted to you. To know if she is attracted to you, check out my book: 120 Body Language Signals That She Likes You.

Ch. 5 Overall Base Attraction

    Now we will put all we learned together to see the big picture. Base Attraction is 38% looks, 30% status, and 32% personality. Now that you understand what these three parts of attraction are, and how important they are, you can understand the things that you can improve about yourself.
    Good looks are not set in stone; you can improve almost every part of looks, even facially. You can use products, and go to the gym. Do what you can to improve your looks then move onto the next part.
    You should always be trying to improve
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