Undeniable (A Country Roads Novel)

Undeniable (A Country Roads Novel) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Undeniable (A Country Roads Novel) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shannon Richard
busy. I think the baby will be good for her. When Paige is done with her maternity leave, Denise is going to watch him a couple of days a week,” Brendan said, letting go of Grace and sliding onto the stool on the other side of Bennett.
    Last September, Paige’s father had lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. Grace could relate to Paige’s loss; she knew what it was like to have a parent die. But she couldn’t relate to what Denise was going through. She couldn’t imagine losing the love of her life. And with that thought, Grace’s gaze flickered back to Jax, who was still frowning at her.
    “Seriously, what’s up with you?” Grace whispered to Jax as she sat down on the stool next to him.
    “Nothing,” he said, taking a drink of his beer.
    “Long day?” she asked.
    “Yup.” He nodded.
    “You working tomorrow?”
    So he was in monosyllabic form tonight. Not that Jaxson Anderson could ever be considered talkative. But still, he really was the most frustrating human being. Ever.
    “I need a tall drink, or a tall man.”
    Grace turned to find Harper Laurence sliding onto the seat next to her.
    Grace had been friends with Harper for twelve years. The Laurences had moved down to Mirabelle when Harper’s dad had inherited his uncle’s veterinary practice. Harper had been one of those girls who had taken a little time to grow into her body. She’d been slightly overweight when she’d started the sixth grade. Grace had known exactly what it was like to be bullied, and she, along with Melanie O’Bryan, had brought Harper into their circle.
    Harper had grown into her body in high school. Her curves had come into full bloom, and those same guys who had bullied her started drooling over her. Along with those curves, she had thick black hair that flowed down to the middle of her back, and violet eyes. Add to that the fact that she was a massage therapist with magic hands, and any man was a goner.
    “Oh, jeez, not another one.”
    Grace turned back to Jax who was shaking his head at Harper’s bright red Boston Red Sox T-shirt.
    “The numbers are even now. Three to three. Drink your beer and shut up,” Grace said before she turned back to Harper. “What’s wrong?”
    “Guess who came in today,” Harper said, raising one of her perfectly plucked black eyebrows.
    “Bethelda Grimshaw.”
    “We’re going to need something stronger than a beer down here,” Grace called down to Shep, who was filling a mug up for Brendan. “Harper had to deal with the dragon today.”
    Bethelda Grimshaw was Mirabelle’s resident bitch. She’d worked for the town newspaper fifteen years ago. Back then she had a tendency to report on things that were less than savory, her stories focusing on the people of Mirabelle. When her articles turned downright nasty people demanded that Bethelda be fired; Oliver King, Brendan and Grace’s grandfather, had been the loudest. Grace and Brendan’s parentage had been the subject of many articles.
    Now Bethelda used her online blog to spread her trash. Her blog was one of those things that no one in Mirabelle would admit to reading, yet everyone knew what she wrote about.
    Brendan leaned back in his chair to look at Harper. Grace recognized the look on his face. It was the one that meant he was barely holding in his anger. Brendan had a bit of a temper, and a surefire way to light it up was to mention Bethelda Grimshaw. Brendan and Paige had been the focus of quite a few of Bethelda’s articles over the last year and a half.
    “She write an article about you?” he asked.
    “Oh, I’m sure it’s just a matter of time, but no, not today. She’s one of my new clients, though. Do you think ‘horrible hag’ is contagious?” she asked, looking at Grace a bit pathetically. “I don’t want to grow scales on my hands.”
    “I know just the cure for that,” Shep said, putting down two glasses filled with ice. “Tequila,” he said,
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