Unbreakable Rules (Too Many Rules Book 3)

Unbreakable Rules (Too Many Rules Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Unbreakable Rules (Too Many Rules Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: G.L. Snodgrass
    My heart stopped. Perfect, just perfect. My life was turning to crap and now I learned I was going to have to suffer through it in the dark. I know I was whining a lot. I'm not usually like that, but the day's events had wrung me dry.
    Now I stood in Nana's kitchen with a boy I barely knew and just enough light to remind me how dark it was going to be when he left.
    Like I said. My life was turning to crap.
    "Um ... you could come hang out at our house ... until the power comes back on. I guess," Ryan said. His voice had hitched as if he wasn't too sure about the idea.
    The Psycho shower scene music popped into my head. Was this his way of getting me to some dark, quiet place? The idea of being left here in the dark made my skin crawl, but all those movies wouldn't leave me alone.
    Let's face it, if he wanted to attack me, you couldn't get much quieter or darker than Nana's kitchen.
    "Mark Jones and my sister are there," he said as if reading my mind.
    Come on Hailey, this is Ryan Hardy, the president of the computer club. I looked up into his eyes. The glow from the flashlight was barely enough to see him looking back down. He seemed anxious about something, but not in a creepy way. Like I said, he was tall, taller than I remembered. He wasn't as skinny as he used to be, either. Not buff like Jarret, but solid enough. In the dark, he didn't look as geeky as I remembered him.
    I probably would have declined, but the thought of staying in Nana's house was too much. Have I told you how much I hate the dark?
    Sighing to myself I nodded. "Okay, thanks."
    His shoulders relaxed and a faint smile crossed his face before he turned without saying another word.
    "Can I bring Brantley?" I asked. He wouldn't be much protection, but maybe Ryan didn't know that.
    "Sure, Amanda would love it."
    Shining that wonderful light on the doorknob, he waited while I locked up.
    Waiving the light along the ground like a theater usher he led the way to his house next door.
    My stomach kept turning over. Here I was alone with a boy I barely knew getting ready to walk into his house where I'd meet more people I didn't know.
    "Do you have any idea how long the power will be out?"
    "Four ... Um I don't know, the cell phones are out also," he said.
    "The regular phones, too," I said.
    Holding his front door open he yelled over the top of my head "Mark, Amanda, we have company."
    I hesitated a moment. Holding my breath, I stepped in.
    A warm yellow light flickered from the candle centered on a coffee table in the living room. After the darkness of Nana's house, it felt like a welcoming smile. Several other candles had been placed throughout the downstairs. A faint aroma of paraffin told me these people were prepared.
    A young girl with brown hair stood up from the couch and stepped around the table.
    "This is my sister Amanda, and you know Mark," Ryan said indicating the boy on the other end of the couch.
    Mark Jones sat rock still with a fist full of potato chips. His mouth hung open like a beached bass. His eyes bugging out, he stared at me as if I was a ghost or something.
    "Amanda, this is Hailey Martin, Mrs. Thompson's granddaughter. She's going to hang out here until the power comes back on.
    Mark coughed up a lung full of chips.
    "She brought Brantley," Ryan added.
    The girl, Amanda, squealed, smiled and kneeled, holding her hands out for Brantley. The yellow coward charged into her, his tail wagging a million miles a minute. Obviously, old friends.
    After getting her puppy fix, the girl stood up. Long brown hair hung to the middle of her back, she was dressed in jeans and a pink T-shirt. Fifteen, maybe sixteen. I frowned in confusion. I thought I knew everybody in our school. It wasn't that big. Was she home schooled? If so, why hadn't Ryan been? If anyone were perfect for homeschooling, it would have been Ryan. He probably could have graduated while I was still a freshman trying to figure out why I had to learn algebra.
    "Hi, it's nice to
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