Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)

Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amanda Bennett
petite older brunette turned at the sound of my voice. "Can I help you,
yes. That's my son you're holding and I'm just wondering what is going on? Is
he having problems?"
free hand quickly flew up to my shoulder and she gently squeezed it, "Oh
sorry sir. No, nothing is wrong. He's slowly starting to breathe over the
ventilator, so we're just trying to make him more comfortable and see if he can
breathe on his own."
heart jumped into my throat as a flicker of hope started calming me. I clutched
my chest, feeling as though a part of me was mending itself back together.
are you okay?"
nodded my head, not being able to form words. I wanted to cry. I wanted to
cheer. Hell, I just wanted to hold my baby boy. I could only imagine what
Bennett has been going through over the last twelve hours. I would definitely
lose it if I had carried my child for the last eight months, but have yet to
hold him. Fuck, I was having a hard enough time. I'm sure it was ten times
worse for her.
the nurses and doctor dispersed, I sat in the rocker directly in front of my
son. They had told me not to rub his hands or touch him too much, but I just
couldn't help myself. I needed my son to know that I was here with him. My deft
finger reached out and slowly rubbed his tiny little arm.
here little man. Your momma and I can't wait until we can hold you in our arms.
We love you so much. I hope you know that. You may be little now, but you're a
fighter just like your momma so I know you'll be growing like a weed soon
enough. Your little sister is excited to meet you too. She can't wait to be a
big sister. She doesn't talk a ton right now, but she'll still gab your little
ears off. She's a bundle of happiness, just like you will be. You both are
perfect in every way, and your momma and I couldn't love two people more than
we love the both of you. Now I know we haven't picked a name out for you yet,
but I promise by tomorrow morning, you'll have the most perfect name."
    I sat
back in the rocker and continued to touch his perfectly smooth skin. I had
always questioned what I wanted to be when I got older. Of course, I was pushed
to believe that I would follow in my father's footsteps, but I always felt as
though I deserved and yearned for so much more. Up until Charlie was born, I
had still wondered what my purpose was in this life. Only now, did I fully
grasp that all along, I was meant to be a father.
    Being a
father felt more natural to me than being with Bennett, and that's pretty hard
to outdo. I glanced at my son and then down at my watch. It was getting late
and I knew they were probably getting ready to give Bennett another round of
pain medication. I was actually surprised she hadn't come down yet to say
goodnight to our little guy.
quietly stood and placed a gentle kiss to his forehead. Man, we really were
going to need a name for this little guy soon.
    As I
pulled back, I couldn't help but take one last look at my precious son. He
looked lifeless and it literally broke my heart. There was nothing I could do
to fix him and I felt helpless. I could feel the tears welling up and I took
that was my cue to leave. I know he wasn't opening his eyes just yet, but I
really didn't want him to hear me crying. I needed him to be strong and fight.
    I said
my good nights and good byes to the night staff and quickly made my way back to
Bennett's room. When I entered the dark room I tried to be as quiet as
possible, but unfortunately, not quiet enough.
have you been?" She sounded groggy and I wondered if her nurse had been in
closed the distance between us and sat down on the edge of her bed, pulling her
into my chest and giving her a tight reassuring squeeze. "I was with our
little guy. I'm sorry, I thought you would come down if you felt up to
okay. How's he doing?"
starting to breathe over the ventilator, so that's good. The nurse said he
should be
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