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Book: Unavoidable Read Online Free PDF
Author: Yara Greathouse
everything he saw. I was doing the same, and
     although my head was screaming ‘Beware! Run, bitch, run!’ my libido was interpreting
     this exchange in a very different way.
“Hi.” He smiles and looks into my eyes.
“Hi.” I reply.
“I never got a chance to properly introduce myself this morning…before we were so
     rudely interrupted.” I swear I just saw his eye twinkle as he was talking. Damn!
“All I remember was you, staring at me when all of a sudden a projectile football
     came in a flash, hitting you in the head and bringing you back to earth, if you know
     what I mean.” Where the hell this smooth voice is coming from? Shit, I’m in trouble
     if I already started purr-talking to him. Where the heck is Ciara when I need her?!
The guy chuckled and said, “Yes not my most shining moment, but as we all know, the
     past is the past, and now is the present. And because I’m a great guy, I am going
     to let you have a do-over.”
“Oh? Are you now?” I smile like a toddler with candy.
“Yes.” He extends his hand and introduces himself. “I’m Colton Hensley, and those
     idiots right over there,” he points at the taller guy who was playing pool with him,
     “are Traxx Maxwell, best friend extraordinaire with suck ass aiming skills,” Traxx
     smiles, waves and frowns, in that exact order. “And the other guy over there,” he
     points at a huge guy. If I thought these guys were built like MACK trucks, this other
     guy was a tank all by himself. Wow! “Is our good friend Brent Winslow also known as
     Notso.” The tank nods his head and goes back to the game. Then Colton looks back at
     me while saying “And you are…?”
I turn on my most seductive voice for this. “Well Mr. Hensley, I am disappointed that
     I gave you one tiny, easy task to find out who I was,” I bat my eyelashes flirtingly
     and continue. “and you failed miserably. Makes me wonder if you really want to know.”
     I pout a bit and turn around heading back to the stairs, leaving him empty handed
     and wondering.
As I take the first few steps, I hear him ask the people around him “Does anyone know her name!” Then I hear a bunch of ‘noes’ and a lot of teasing about crashing
     and burning and more teasing about going booty-less tonight. I smile inwardly and
     go find Ciara to give her the update. When I reach the kitchen I see her and notice
     she’s getting to the point where I don’t need to leave her alone again.
“Hey sweetie!” She says, “Where have you been?” I wanted so bad to tell her about
     Colton but now was not the right time.
“I was walking around this place trying to see what was going on and if anything fun
     was happening.” I smile at her.
She stares blankly at me then grabs my arm and informs me, “We are going to play beer
“Playing beer pong implies that if you score, you can drink beer, and since I am the
     designated driver for the night, it is not happening. I can’t do it.” She comes to
     an abrupt stop and says “Oh! I forgot.” I can feel the disappointment in her voice,
     so I decide to bargain with her. “I tell you what,” I grab a couple of unopened water
     bottles from the cooler. “Let’s find something for you to eat and then I will go watch
     you and cheer for you while you play beer pong.” Her glassy eyes get really happy
     again. Dammit! I’m in for a long night if this girl does not put something in her
     stomach. We go by the snacks table and find an unopened bag of Cheetos. One can never
     be too careful, we don’t drink or eat anything that has been opened unless we were
     the ones who opened; or the food or drink in question has been under our care the
     entire time. The world is full of crazies out there.
“Let’s go eat this outside, in the fresh air.” I grab her hand and we head out to
     the front porch. I sit her on a chair and open the bag of Cheetos, placing a bottle
     of water on the
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