UFOs in Reality

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Author: T.R. Dutton
occupation. Throughout that ancient period of surveillance, the available landmarks had been programmed into the navigation systems of the terrain-following probes, and had been referenced regularly by them. It followed that whenever one of the vital landmarks came to be modified by later generations of humankind, the probes’ map references had to be updated with some urgency.
    This method of visual mapping for navigation purposes is used by certain wasps and bees, and it has been developed in recent years for military use by terrain-following attack aircraft and stealth bombers. It seems probable that certain extraterrestrials developed the technique a long time ago and are still using it.
    To conclude this section, I want to demonstrate that the orderly geographical distribution of UFO events during 1967 were not unique. Another intense outbreak of activity occurred in Britain during 1971. Fig. 7 shows the distribution of those events. Many of them seemed to have been definitely linked to the course of the extended M6 motorway and to the developments taking place in the areas adjacent to Manchester.

    Fig. 7

B ALLS OF COLOURED FIRE (1967 – 1973)  
    The study of British events continued until 1973. During those six years from 1967, I had recorded strange ‘fireball’ events that had been reported from time to time. Typically, they had resembled large balls of glowing plasma (electrified air or gas), red or green or blue and usually of great brilliance, which had been observed during fine weather periods. When seen travelling at high speeds across the countryside, they had never seemed to have any meteor-like tail or trail. At times they flew along very slowly and in a controlled sort of way. Sometimes they were very large, as big as the Moon. I remember investigating a unique report from a man in mid-Cheshire. He had been motoring home on a country road late at night, when a huge example had sped, low in the sky, across his path. He had been severely shocked by the event. The object had disappeared behind a small wood and he had expected to witness a gigantic explosion – which had not occurred. When I interviewed him I asked for some idea of the size of the object compared with something in his room. He pointed to a large brass plaque hanging on a wall only 6 feet (2 metres) away. That plaque was about 18 inches (50 cm) in diameter! Many of us would have died of fright!
    Spring Equinox Events, 1973
    A set of outstanding events, in daylight, which I investigated, could have been evidence of a near-miss by a sizeable asteroid. I could find no official report on it but it was certainly a very significant event – or rather, series of events. Although I carried out a comprehensive investigation of the eyewitnesses’ reports, I will just summarise my findings for this record, since the happenings were unlike the other cases to be dealt with in this section.
    On the morning of 23rd March, 1973 – a beautiful sunny morning with clear visibility, at some time during the period 08:20 and 08:25 hrs. BST, a series of spectacular ‘fireball’ events were reported to have occurred above an area of England extending from Stafford in the Midlands to somewhere north-west of Manchester. A colleague at Woodford airfield in north-east Cheshire, Mr. Cyril Kay, was one of the witnesses. From his first-floor office window he had seen a brilliant green object streaking northwards at high altitude, to the west of his position. Such was the speed of the object, it had given the impression of being a rapidly-moving green streak, progressing horizontally. Reports from two other witnesses located in the Manchester area appeared in The Manchester Evening News that evening. These prompted me to investigate the reports, because they opened up the possibility of establishing the flight path and speed of the object. I visited the Manchester witnesses, took bearings and elevation angles from those sites and combined them
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