Two from Galilee

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Book: Two from Galilee Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marjorie Holmes
become nubile this day."
    "Truly?" He was astounded that she should confide in him. The news should have come from her mother. Embarrassed and touched, his eyes filmed. "Truly?" he muttered again, and passed his hand in a gesture of mute wonder and denial across his jaw. "It seems only yesterday that you were a babe in your mother's arms. Our firstborn," he reflected on the never-ending wonder. "And then riding the ox into the fields with me. Remember, Mary?" He stretched out a hand and awkwardly fondled her wrist. "Remember the little songs and games we used to play?"
    "Yes, Father, I remember," she said, trying not to sound impatient. It was all so inconsequential and long ago; he must not think to divert her with such memories. Time was fleeing, he must rouse up and go back into the fields. "But about Joseph, please say that you will bid him join us, and what's more speak to Mother urging her to make him welcome here again."
    He got up, grunting, and focused his attention on fastening the leather girdle at his waist. Why, he's stalling, she realized, dismayed. He's trying to think how to put me off without letting me know he's afraid of her too.
    "You know we seldom have company except on the Sabbath Eve. And your mother has many children to cook for, Mary."
    "Hospitality should not be confined to only one day of the week. Tell her that I will prepare the meal."
    "And it's hard to cross her. Remember that she is your mother, to be honored as the commandment says."
    "Is she not also your wife, and commanded to obey?"
    Both were on their feet now, their glances locked. Joachim sighed heavily. "Mary, Mary—is this matter of such consequence to you that you would come between mother and father to achieve your ends?"
    She didn't answer for a second. Unconsciously her hands had come together in a fierce attitude of supplication. She said, "I love both of you, Father, it grieves me to think of hurting either of you. But as you have just reminded me, you and I have been close from the time I was a little girl. While women—two women, alike as we are in our bodies, there is often a great difference in how we feel. If I were to speak out there would be a clashing of swords. There is often a clashing in the air even when I keep my peace," she said regretfully. "But with you I can speak freely."
    The words were true, yet she recognized their element of blandishment. "Joseph and I love each other, Father, and it is not a thing sprung up overnight. It has been growing between us for years. But I also love you. And if you tell me to put him out of my heart I will speak of him no more. But if you understand even a little bit how it is with me, then you will at least open your mind and try to see his qualities before you order me to cast him aside."
    Joachim stood pondering. The column of sunlight that had slanted through the room was beginning to recede. There was the shrill sound of children's voices coming from the yard. A stray dog seemed to have joined the games. They could hear it barking in a gay frenzy. "I have no objection to Joseph," he said finally. "He is a fine young man. No doubt he would be a good husband. But I have been able to give your mother very little, and she has always taken such pride in you. To make what seems such a poor match for our eldest—I needn't tell you, it would be a sorry blow for her."
    "And is my mother's pride of more value to you than my whole life's happiness?"
    He shook his head. He drew his hand once more in a gesture of defeat and weariness across his mouth. "It is a hard bargain you drive, Mary. Your way with words is a trap and a snare. But I will do this much for you. I will send Esau down to ask Joseph to come up tonight, and I will tell Hannah to bring forth the best wine."
    "Oh, Father, Father!" She flung herself against his chest. "And could we have meat for a change? Could we prepare a kid?"
    "Don't press your advantage, we can't spare a kid even if the rabbi would kill it for us."
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