Twin Cities

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Book: Twin Cities Read Online Free PDF
Author: Louisa Bacio
activities. He shook his head thinking about the blonde
duo who’d given him more than one ride. He shouldn’t be greedy. He should be
thankful he didn’t need to say any awkward goodbyes. Then he noticed the P.S.
    If you want another round this weekend, give us a call.
    He just might do that.

About Louisa Bacio
    A Southern California native, Louisa Bacio can’t imagine
living far away from the ocean. The multi-published author of erotic romance
enjoys writing within all realms – from short stories to full-length
    Bacio shares her household with a supportive husband, two
daughters growing “too fast”, and a multitude of pet craziness: two dogs, five
fish tanks, an aviary, hamsters, rabbits, hermit crabs and rolly pollies. In
her other life, she teaches college classes in English, journalism and popular
    Louisa welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her author
bio page at .
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Also by Louisa
    Dry Heat
    Ellora’s Cave Publishing

    Twin Cities
    ISBN 9781419992674
    Twin Cities Copyright © 2015 Louisa Bacio
    Edited by Raelene Gorlinsky and Sarah Anderson
    Cover design by  Allyse Leodra
    Electronic book publication February 2015
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    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,
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