Turtle Bay

Turtle Bay Read Online Free PDF

Book: Turtle Bay Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tiffany King
Tags: Contemporary
too long back in Kansas but seemed a perfect fit here on the beach. He ran his fingers through it to push it out of his eyes. He was lean with a defined physique that was more pronounced by the way his board shorts rode low on his hips. When I finally accepted the move to Turtle Bay, this is what I had pictured the guys to be like. Not some neurotic lifeguard who took his job too seriously .
    "You live around here?" he asked conversationally, tossing the Frisbee back to his friends so they could continue their game without him.
    "Yeah, across the street," I said, pointing in the direction of my house.
    "Cool. My buddy Greg used to live in the house on the corner. It's a sweet house. The Jacuzzi's wicked. It's a fifteen-seater," he said, shifting his feet to a more comfortable stance, like he planned on staying for a while.
    I nodded like I understood that a fifteen-seat Jacuzzi was cool. Truthfully, I'd never been in one. Back home, guys got excited over tractors and lifted super-duty trucks. To each his own, I suppose.
    "That's my parents' place over there," he continued, pointing to a large house behind us that sat directly on the beach. Even I couldn't help being impressed. Considering its size, my guess was you could easily stack at least four of my new house inside the three-story monstrosity. It had multiple wraparound porches with massive decks, and most likely a large swimming pool judging by the slide that was visible from the sand. No disputing who had the bucks around here.
    "Nice," I finally commented so he wouldn't think I was dense.
    "It's okay. For a summer home, it works," he bragged. "It's usually a drag to leave my friends back home every summer, but this year seems to be shaping up," he added, eyeing me with blatant interest.
    "Back home?" I asked, slightly surprised by his openness. Guys like Evan usually weren't interested in someone like me. Not that we had a whole lot of rich people back in Huntsville, but even the few wealthier families in town where nowhere close to the type of filthy rich money Evan obviously had. This was new territory for me. Not the dating part, even though guys usually hung with me just to see what crazy prank I would think up next. Sure, we'd fool around a little, but nothing ever too serious. Score one for the pink bikini, I guess.
    "Yeah, I live in Manhattan. We spend summers here and spring break at our house on the Cape," he said offhandedly, as if everyone had three or four homes.
    "What about you? Are you here just for the summer?"
    Unsure of how to answer his question without looking like a complete one-house-owning loser, I gave a shrug that could have been a yes or a no. I felt it was best not to divulge too much about my personal life to someone I'd just met.
    "Uh, the summer for sure," I said as I gathered my things.
    "Hey, I'll walk you home," he said, reaching for my chair.
    "It's okay. I appreciate the offer though." An awkward meeting with Butch and Buttercup wasn't something I was prepared for yet. Not until I had a chance to get a sense of how my family would be accepted in our new surroundings. "Besides, you have to buy me dinner before I allow you to walk me home," I purred, hoping he'd go for my deflection.
    "You can count on it," he said, winking at me. "Hey, I'm having a party tomorrow night at my parents' place. You should come," he added, leaning in close and creating an air of intimacy that made my stomach flip in a good way. Score one for the cute rich boy.
    "Rain, what do you say?" Evan cooed enticingly when I appeared to be zoning out. With his good looks and money he was clearly used to getting his way.
    "Sure. My schedule is pretty light this weekend."
    "Legit. I'll come over to get you around eight."
    "Uh, no, that's okay. I'll walk over."
    "That works," he said, stepping close and running a finger down my cheek.
    His intimate familiarity put me on edge, and I couldn't help jerking back unconsciously.
    "Sorry," he chuckled, holding up his hands. "I
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