True of Blood (Witch Fairy Series)

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Book: True of Blood (Witch Fairy Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Lamer
    “Your blood could allow the Fairies back into this world and they will come back angry to have been kept away for so long and they will force humans to bow down before them for fear of death.”
    “Yeah, I think I’ve read about things like that in a myth or two, but that’s all they were, Mom.  They were myths.  You can’t possibly believe all this.  And if you do, then you really are crazy.”  I am beyond disconcerted now and have moved on to anger.
    “I know it’s hard to accept…”
    “No, not hard to accept.  Impossible to accept!  I don’t know why you want to make me believe this stuff but it’s crazy and I’m not going to do it!”  With that, I pick myself up off the floor and walk away from my insane mother and go into my room slamming the door behind me.  I pace back and forth in front of my bed trying to understand what made my mom go off the deep end.  She was fine just a couple of days ago.
    After a few minutes, I decide I need to get out of the house but I don’t want to risk being seen and having to talk to Mom some more, so I put on my dark red jacket and pull on my black knee high boots and I push my bedroom window open.  I climb out quietly and close it softly behind me.  I trudge through the snow aimlessly trying to shake off the morning I have had but Mom’s story keeps nagging at me, begging me to believe it which I absolutely refuse to do. 

  Chapter 3
    After about an hour of rambling, I realize I’ve gone quite a ways from home and should probably head back before I get lost.  I had pulled on my black hat and gloves that I keep in my jacket pocket but the cold mountain air can’t be held at bay for long.  Reluctantly, I turn around and follow my footprints in the snow back towards home.  About half a mile from my house, I start to see footprints that aren’t mine.  Strange.  Could this be the same person who left tracks in the snow yesterday?
    Stopping, I scan the woods for any sign of movement but there’s nothing except the occasional bird.  The bare trees are quiet, not even swaying in the gentle wind that’s blowing.  Turning back towards home, I keep moving.  Dad can come back out and look for the hiker and make sure he or she isn’t lost.
    I go about twenty feet when a red fox appears in my path about ten yards away.  Funny, we don’t have red foxes at this altitude.  A few seconds later, a mountain lion joins the fox.  Okay, those we do have this high up and it’s best to avoid them.  I stand very still hoping they will both keep moving and ignore me.  They don’t.  They start walking towards me.  I’m pretty sure I’m hallucinating because as they walk, the air begins to shimmer and their bodies elongate and their faces change and soon they are walking only on their hind legs as the fur from their bodies begins to dissolve and in less than thirty seconds, two very naked people are walking towards me.  The woman is tall, probably three inches taller than my five feet seven inches.  She has jet black hair and high cheek bones like mine but the twisted smile on her thin lips takes away any beauty she might possess.  The man is also tall with a large muscular build and his dark hair is shaved close to his scalp.  Both have vibrant green eyes and both look menacing.  I take several steps backwards which just makes them laugh.
    “Don’t worry, Princess, we have only come to bring you home,” the woman says and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t mean the home I left an hour ago.
    Summoning up my courage, I ask, “Who are you?”
    “We are Pooka, loyal to King Dagda.  I am Olwyn and this is Maurelle.  We have been given the task of returning you to your rightful home in the realm of the Fae,” the male says.  Both continue walking towards me as I take a few more steps backwards in the deep snow.
    “I already have a home,” I say nervously looking around for a possible escape
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