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Book: Trigger Read Online Free PDF
Author: Courtney Alameda
tail. Screams colored my world red, made my heart pump harder in my chest. Tires shrieked, and people scrambled out of the monster’s way and right into my sights.
    I didn’t have a clear shot. “Get closer!” Switching to my good hand, I fired a shot over the creature’s head to scare it into the street. Four .
    â€œHold on!” Ryder shouted, just before the bike rumbled over the chain link fence. We hung left, chasing the scissorclaw into the eastbound lanes.
    I lifted my gun, realizing I had to bring the necro down without shooting anyone living.
    I had four bullets. Four puny .45 caliber bullets.
    With a giant leap, the necro bounded over a sedan and smashed into the windshield of an SUV, forcing the vehicle to careen into the path of an electric bus. The bus slammed into the SUV with a crack of metal and glass, groaning on its tracks, power cables snapping like rubber bands. One swung wide, whistling as it whipped overhead. The bus tipped into the street. Horns blared, glass shattered. Bystanders screamed. The necro rode the destruction for several yards, then leapt into eastbound traffic.
    Ryder ducked after it, riding the lane line and slicing between two cars. The wind streaming off their sides grabbed at me, trying to pull me off the bike. My heart pounded, burning rubber against my ribs. The wind sliced across my face, whipped up by cars passing us at speeds that could turn Ryder and me into splatters on their grills and windshields. I gripped Ryder harder. No chance to puss out now; we have to take this thing down.
    We tore past two blocks, then three, keeping the scissorclaw in our sight as we wove through traffic, tore past red lights and the sadistic grins of oncoming cars, gaining inches rather than yards. Vehicles dodged us, or tried to, hitting the median, light poles, and each other. Cars snarled up the lanes. Then I spotted signs for the Bay Bridge, which would be a dangerous place to play chicken on the back of a motorcycle with a necro.
    â€œRyder, the bridge!” I shouted, leveling my gun at the creature.
    â€œI know!” he shouted back.
    The necro charged up the onramp, finally clear in my crosshairs. I fired, the bullet clipping the monster’s hip. Three. It stumbled but didn’t go down, leaping onto a semi truck and jamming its claws into the trailer’s flank. After climbing to the top, it turned and hissed at us as the semi disappeared around the bridge’s bend.
    The bike bucked as we hit the ramp. My stomach bottomed out as Ryder took the ramp’s hairpin turn at too many miles an hour, the bike forming a sharp angle with the ground. As we leveled with the bridge, we faced five lanes of traffic, fog billowing over the deck so thick, you’d think the whole bay was made of spewing dry ice.
    Twenty yards ahead, the scissorclaw rode the semi’s trailer. Ryder closed the gap between the truck and our bike while I hooked my sights on the necro, trying not to think about what a motorcycle crash at 85 miles an hour would do to my skull. Couldn’t go there. I had a monster to kill.
    I gripped the bike with my legs as we dove forward, car horns blaring their obscenities at us. We missed a Jeep by inches, so close the end of my ponytail whipped the vehicle’s side mirror. The thwack resounded in my head, throwing my aim off. From this angle, I could hardly see the scissorclaw—the closer we got, the more the trailer obscured the creature. It wasn’t dead stupid—it hunched over, claws sunk into the trailer top, making itself a small target.
    â€œTake it down,” Ryder shouted over the wind. “It’s got nowhere to run!”
    The Bay Bridge stretched from San Francisco to Oakland, covering about eight miles of open water. I couldn’t let the monster step foot in Oakland or give it any options for escape.
    So I had a crazy, lunatic, totally shitbox idea.
    â€œPull even and keep her steady!” Anchoring
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