Trenton's Terms

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Book: Trenton's Terms Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kelley Nyrae
him want her more. She riled him like no other woman he'd ever met.
    "So, where are you from, Trenton? I've been meaning to ask you that."
    "Los Angeles,” he answered simply.
    "I knew you were a big city boy. Born and raised?"
    "No. I made my escape there when I was eighteen. I put myself through college, started my career and never looked back.” Almost never.
    "Where'd you escape from?"
    "A little town in Georgia. About the size of River City actually,” he could think of a lot of things he'd rather talk about than his past. The red head in Sidney's store said she'd want to get to know him better so that's what he'd do. Really he wanted to get to know her. Inside and out although that didn't sit too comfortably with him. But he was a fighter, strong and proud. A little bit of discomfort wouldn't send him running.
    Something sparked in her eyes before she spoke again. It lit up her green depths and made him want to bask in that light. What the fuck am I thinking? Bask in her light. I sound like a damn woman.
    "Well I never would have thought. Trenton Stone is a small town boy at heart. I wondered where the Sugar kept coming from.” She took a drink of her ice tea. Sally the waitress was good. He hadn't seen her slip the drink on their table. As she set her glass down a bead of condensation dripped down her finger. He watched in awe as Sidney licked the droplet of water off her hand. His cock stirred. She didn't realize how sexy he found her.
    Damn he needed to get some. It had been a few months. He didn't realize he itched so badly for female companionship until he ran into the curly haired, sweetheart. It's not any female companionship you're wanting. It's her. There's something different about her.
    Trenton pushed his insane thoughts aside. He didn't even know her. Even if he did he wasn't the type to settle down with a woman. Especially one who would want to tie him down in small town USA. “The words small and boy have no room in a sentence about me."
    All of a sudden a burst of laughter erupted from deep within Sidney's body. Her breasts shook with her heavy laughter. The sounds were musical, beautiful. Had he ever heard anything as magical as Sidney's joy? It almost made him forget the fact that she was laughing at him. Almost.
    "Something funny?” he asked. His voice came out irritated, but he didn't care.
    A few seconds later she calmed herself enough to speak. “You,” she replied.
    Hmm. Trenton didn't get called funny too often. He wasn't sure he liked it. “You plan to enlighten me on the joke?"
    "The words small and boy have no room in a sentence about me,” she mocked. “You never give up do you?"
    Part of him wanted to laugh himself. The line did sound a bit cheesy when she repeated it. But it was true. He knew it and she knew it too. Scooting his chair closer to hers Trenton grabbed her hand under the table and set it on the hard, long erection trying to burst free from his pants. He could see the shock in her eyes with is bold move, but she didn't pull away.
    "I've never given up on anything in my life, Sidney. I don't plan to start now. Even if I wanted to, this would stop me.” He ground her hand against his shaft to prove his point, but also driving himself crazy in the process. For a minute she held herself still, letting him work himself with her petite hand. The table cloth covered their actions from anyone at nearby tables. She felt so good he wanted to lose it right there.
    She ground her hand against him this time of her own accord. He'd never wanted anyone as bad as he did at this moment. A low, steady growl escaped his lips.
    "Dinner is served.” Sally set a plate down in front of each of them oblivious to what she'd interrupted. Sidney yanked her hand away obviously just as startled by the other woman's arrival as he was. Maybe she wasn't such a good waitress after all.
    * * * *
    Sid couldn't believe what just happened. If Sally hadn't come along it would have continued to happen too.
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