enlighten me? What is the kind of life that is for you?"
"Exactly the kind of life I live. Working for myself, not having anyone to answer to. If I feel like going somewhere, I go. I don't want anyone to answer to. I like to go out, have a good time, meet new and interesting people, that kind of thing."
"So basically, no one close to you? No one to care about you? Nothing too serious?"
He winked at her before saying, “don't make it sound so bad, Sidney. Nothing holds me back. I like to have what I want when I want it, the way I live my life, I'm free to do that. It works for me."
"You know what I think?” Sidney asked before taking a sip of her Sex on the beach. “I think you're fooling yourself. If you think that will make you happy for the long run, you're crazy."
"Is that so? When did you get to know me so well?"
"I don't. Call it women's intuition, but I don't think you're as big and bad as you want people to think you are.” She felt her words were true. Was she playing herself? Believing what she wanted so that she could give in to his wishes?
He leaned in towards her talking in a whisper. “Why don't we call the rest of this dinner off and go to my hotel room. I'll show you how bad I can be."
* * * *
He had to let her know how it was. She fooled herself if she thought he was anything different than what he was, a man looking to have a good time. With her. That's all. There would be no grand declarations of love, nor promises of a future. He couldn't imagine living with one woman for the rest of his life. And while he enjoyed the relaxed pace of River City, it wasn't anything he planned to get used to. He'd get bored, go stir crazy in a place like this.
"I can be very bad, Sidney. I like it that way and you'll like it too. I can promise you that and nothing else.” The look in her eyes made him want to stop talking. She looked disappointed and for the first time in his life he cared what someone else thought about him, but if he stopped, if he didn't let her know how it was, he ran the risk of hurting her.
Sure they didn't know each other well enough for feelings to be involved right now, but he couldn't risk it. He liked to play the field, but leaving a trail of broken hearted women wasn't his thing. They all knew the score up front.
"I want you, I plan to have you, but that's all. I can offer you nothing but a night or two of extreme pleasure. There are no hidden meanings or feelings behind anything I say. I'm a straight shooter."
God the words sounded harsh even to his own ears, but they were true. He kept his eyes locked on Sidney's as she took in what he said. She took another couple drinks before she finally spoke.
"I wasn't asking for grand declarations as you put it, Stone. Just making an observation.” She took her last drink before setting her glass back on the table. “Plus, I won't be sleeping with you anyway so you just wasted a good speech for nothing."
"You guys looked deep in conversation so I gave you a little bit of extra time,” Sally the waitress said as she walked up to their table. “Are you ready to order yet or do you need more time?"
Trenton eyed Sidney as she calmly ordered the special of the night. He quietly thanked God when she ordered an ice tea as well instead of another drink. He wanted her to have a clear head tonight. If she'd had another drink any possibility of spending the night with her would be shot.
Taking a quick glance at the menu he ordered the biggest steak they had before handing the menu to their waitress. Sitting there he watched Sidney in silence. He had a lot of respect for her. More than anyone he'd met in a long time if not ever. She knew who she was, what she wanted. She didn't shake easily and when he did stir her up she calmed herself quickly.
Although he didn't understand her love of the small town she lived in, he respected it all the same. She knew where she belonged and defended it with all she had. Everything he learned about her made
Helen Edwards, Jenny Lee Smith