
Treasure Read Online Free PDF

Book: Treasure Read Online Free PDF
Author: Megan Derr
Tags: Lost Gods, M/M romance, fantasy, series
snarled right back at them, his front teeth becoming fangs as being around the mermaids brought out his own unwanted heritage.
    The fight was nasty, as they always were, because creatures who survived the ocean knew no other way to fight. Kin lost his sword somewhere in the middle of it all, but he hardly needed it by that point, as willing as the mermaids were to use claws and teeth and sheer brutal strength to fight. He slammed one into the main mast, swearing when he was driven back by another a moment later, and nearly went over the edge, keeping his balance only at the last and bracing himself on the railing as the ship was tossed about by seas that said a storm was coming.
    Another came at him, and he kicked her in the stomach, then grabbed her hair and drove his knee into her face, breaking her nose. Yanking her up again, he used her moment of stunned compliance to grab her head in one hand, wrap his other arm around her throat, and yank her head around just so, snapping her neck.
    He threw her body forward as another mermaid screamed and lunged at him. Kin disabled her just as two more came at him from either side. He went for the one on his right side, catching her around the waist and bellowing in pain when her teeth sank into his arm, her nails into his back.
    Reaching the railing, he threw her over—and roared as someone shoved him from behind, sending him toppling into the depths with her.
    The water was black and cold, and he choked briefly before the ocean stripped away whatever remained of his land-walker nature. Kin swore silently in annoyance and immediately grabbed the bitch that came at him, sinking his claws into her arms, jerking slightly to the side when she tried to go for his throat—and went for her throat, sinking his teeth into her cold flesh and tearing a chunk of it away.
    She convulsed as blood poured out and water poured in, and Kin withdrew his nails from her arms to finish the job on her throat. For added precaution, he slit her gut as well, then shoved the body away to swim back up to the surface, tail moving back and forth with ease in the water.
    Bursting to the surface, he scowled in annoyance and made for the ship that was already some distance away, moving swiftly through the water, grimacing at the wounds that pulled and spilled blood, and he hoped they were well away before the sharks and other feeders showed to feast on the remains of the fight.
    Reaching the ship, he swam to the hand-holds that had been carved into one side, climbing halfway up the makeshift ladder before it finally became too difficult to support his own weight with just his arms. He clung there, waiting impatiently for his merman nature to fade off more—then grunted in surprise and relief when a rope appeared beside him. Grabbing it, he allowed his crew to haul him up.
    "Captain," his first mate said in relief, helping him over the side.
    Kin collapsed on the deck, closing his eyes and drawing deep, steady breaths until at last he returned to being more human than merman. A dull pain throbbed through his lower body as his tail collapsed and his body was restored from the waist down. He hated that part, especially when he had an audience.
    Grimacing, he stood up, letting his first mate steady him until his legs stopped trembling. "Mr. Samé, how is the crew?"
    "Twelve injured, three badly, but all will likely survive. We owe his grace for helping us after you went over."
    "His grace?" Kin echoed, and nodded in gratitude to the sailor who brought him fresh clothes. He yanked on the black breeches, then pulled on a gray undertunic followed by a black tunic, both sleeveless. Another sailor handed him a fresh sash, reminding Kin that the blue one he'd lost had been one of his favorites. Ah, well. He had the money to commission more clothes when they reached port, and if he were lucky, Raiden would let him stay in port long enough to actually pick them up after a few days instead of a few months. He tied his sash in
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