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Book: Transparent Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Whipple
here as early as tonight. I wish I had more time to come up with a plan. It’s not that I particularly want to stay here—I just don’t want to go back. I have to find a way out of that life.
    I gasp.
That’s it!
Maybe the phone wasn’t the worst idea. I pull it out of my pocket and flip it open.
    Dang: one bar. I guess I should be grateful there’s service at all.
    I type in the number, hoping Miles hasn’t changed it recently. He usually gets a hold of me when he does. We’ve always been close. Dad likes to periodically abandon his women, make them go through the withdrawal so they remember how bad it is, how guilty and terrible they feel without him around. When he did that to us, Graham would take Mom, since she’d be completely dysfunctional for days. Miles would make sure I was happy and distracted. He’d take me to girly movies, though he hated them. He’s even missed a Giants game for me, and that’s a huge deal.
    If it weren’t for Miles, I wouldn’t have an ounce of sanity left. It’s been hard since he went off to Arizona State last year to study graphic design, but I’m glad at least one person in our family can have some semblance of a normal life. I’m proud that he wants to be as far away from Dad as he can get.
    The phone rings. And rings. Just when I think he won’t pick up, I hear, “If you’re trying to sell me crap, hang up now.”
    “Fiona! Thank God! Are you all right?”
    His voice calms me. “Yeah, so far.”
    He sighs. “Dad already called. I was hoping you’d find a way to contact me before I changed my number again. This your phone?”
    “Not technically. I took it from Mom. She called Graham.”
    “Damn. I was starting to hope you guys had made it out of the worst.”
    “Me too.” I tell him how Mom conned me.
    “I’m sorry, Fi. That’s really low.”
    “And now Graham’s gonna find us and take us back.”
    “Calm down. You don’t know that for sure. You could have interrupted.”
    My eyes sting as I fight back tears. “Miles, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t go back again. I don’t want him to control me forever.” There’s a pause, and I worry I’ve lost him. “Miles?”
    “Still here, just thinking.” There’s another pause. “Do you really mean that? What you said?”
    My brow furrows. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “Don’t get all defensive. Just answer.”
    “Yes. I’m dead serious. I’m out in the freaking hot desert trying to figure out how to escape. Would you like more proof?”
    He laughs. “No. But don’t go killing yourself in the middle of nowhere, okay? Do you need me to come? I will if you want.”
    My heart warms. He’d do anything for me, but I’d rather not get him mixed up in stuff if I don’t have to. Besides, I’m afraid to give him our location. “I have to destroy this cell. Can I email you?”
    “Sure, I’ll leave my old one open for a few more days.”
    “Fiona?” Miles’s voice breaks up.
    “You don’t have to—” The phone crackles with static, and I lose him.

Chapter 5
    The apple-green sundress I put on the next morning doesn’t define my figure like I prefer, but I need a quick escape outfit in case Graham shows up. I probably shouldn’t wear glasses, but I feel invisible enough as it is. Scanning the dozen pairs I brought, I settle on the square purple frames, which are one of my favorites. It’s lucky I packed them before the late-night escape; I miss my massive closet.
    When I enter the kitchen, Mom almost spits out her coffee at the sight of me. “I thought you said you weren’t going to school.”
    I shrug. If she can lie to me, then I can lie, too. School might suck, but the library has computers, and I need to email Miles. Perfect cover. “Maybe you were right. When am I going to have another chance at a normal life? May as well enjoy it before it’s gone, right?”
    She purses her lips, and for a second I wonder if she doesn’t buy it.
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