
Traitor Read Online Free PDF

Book: Traitor Read Online Free PDF
Author: Murray McDonald
said Turner agitatedly looking at Barnes himself for confirmation.
    “I’d now like to hand you over to my colleague, Special Agent Sarah Reid. She’s currently head of the National Joint Terrorism Task Force. What she’s about to disclose is not, I repeat not , to leave this room. Some of you will already be aware of what she is about to disclose but for those of you who are not, unless specifically authorized, it is not to be shared with anyone—and that includes your bosses or even the heads of your agencies. “Do you understand?” asked Turner, reacting to the half-hearted nods and murmurs of agreement that followed.
    An affirmative response from everyone followed immediately.
    “Special Agent Reid,” said Turner, handing the floor to his colleague.
    Reid cleared her throat. “Approximately eighteen months ago, there was a sharp increase in terrorist chatter. Since then, levels have continued to escalate to the extent that we’re now experiencing five fold levels over anything previously experienced. Most of you will have been aware of this fact, as we maintain a high state of readiness across our law enforcement agencies. However, one part you will not be aware of is how coordinated these communications have become. In essence, terrorist organizations are not only talking amongst themselves, they’re talking to each other and we have no idea what they’re saying. Within ten minutes of the shooting this morning, the chatter increased again. Ladies and Gentlemen, we think this morning’s shooting and bombing are merely a precursor to a far bigger attack by a coordinated group of international terrorists.”
    “And you don’t consider having stolen and perhaps delivered the most deadly hemorrhagic fever to the President, the White House and God alone knows how many thousands or millions of people might be the far greater attack?” asked Colonel Barnes, struggling to hide her anger.
    The suggestion that millions were at risk and the words ‘most deadly’ focused everyone in the room on the disease specialist.
    “Perhaps I should have been more forthcoming with this information. However, until we know if we have an outbreak, I didn’t want to panic you any more than you have been,” she said. “As I mentioned, the Ebola virus is deadly in some cases. Ebola Zaire is deadly in approximately 90% of cases. The strain of the Ebola Zaire virus that has been stolen is I’m afraid nearer 95% deadly and is also highly contagious. You were all correct when you were concerned at Mr. Carson’s sneeze. If he had the disease, the particles he deposited into the air through that sneeze would have infected most of the people in this room. Mr. Geller knew exactly what he was stealing when he stole this strain of the vir—”
    “Colonel Barnes is correct,” Harry Carson interrupted. “The fight for our survival may already have begun.” His unspoken message to her was loud and clear. She had already said too much. He’d stopped her before she disclosed that the strain was not an entirely natural occurrence. The stolen strain had been the remnants of a long forgotten biological weapons program, enhanced to increase its contagion and deadliness. The biggest problem had been just that, its deadliness. With no known cure, it would kill foe and friend alike.
    With panic once again catching hold, Turner stood up. “Settle down, we’ve got a man to find and a nation to protect, people. Let’s worry about what has happened, not what may happen.”
    The red phone at the top of the table rang and the room instantly silenced. Turner lifted it tentatively.
    The room held its breath as they watched Turner listen to whatever was being said. Turner shook his head. “I’m not entirely sure what you’re telling me,” he said into the mouthpiece. He looked at Colonel Barnes, beckoned her towards him and handed her the phone as she approached. “The first test results are in,” he said, his tone one of great
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