Training Amy

Training Amy Read Online Free PDF

Book: Training Amy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anne O'Connell
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
class, hence the previous day’s conversation. Then she'd had class that morning.
                Brad was fixing a window display and talking to some women about the latest stream of political books coming out of the most recent presidential administration.
                Eric emerged from the back with a box of books. Plopping it on the floor he expertly pulled out a box cutter and had the box open in a few slices. He began piling them on the counter. "Help me sort these into stacks by genre. This is our small press and indie order."
                Thumbing through the books she started stacks for fantasy and science fiction, romance, horror, and mystery. Stacking them neatly with spines facing her she caught Eric snickering out of the corner of her eye. "What?"
                "You're a compulsive neat freak, aren't you?" He snickered again.
                "Am not," she protested with a mock pout.
                "I bet if I sent you into the stacks right now, in about an hour those shelves would be the neatest and straightest they've been since we opened this place," he said with a wide grin.
                She gave him a playful smirk and swatted at him with a thriller novel called Outer Darkness by some obscure author named Audrey Brice.  
                He laughed.
                Grabbing Blood of the Dark Moon by Adrianne Brennan she quickly realized some of the novels were cross genre. "Horror or romance?"
                "Paranormal romance," he said quickly, then moved Outer Darkness from the horror pile into its own, "Paranormal mystery."
                She moved them both into one pile. "How about we just say paranormal?"
                He shrugged. "I suppose, but you'll have to separate them on the shelf because that's how Brad has the shelves labeled."
                "How do you know anyway? Have you even heard of any of these authors?" She grabbed three more from the to-be-sorted stack. "I mean who's Selena Kitt? And I've never heard of Gail Cleare either. Bernadette Marie?"
                "The first one is erotica, very popular actually, and Cleare is contemporary magic realism slash romance, and the latter is romance," he said, emptying the box. "I know this because some of it I've read, others Brad and I know the authors, and really a lot of it is popular underground stuff."
                 Finishing the sort took a few more minutes with Eric's help. Then she sorted them by author last name. "So should I start putting these on the shelves?"
                "In a minute. Here, take these home tonight. They're the books I was telling you about when you started. I almost forgot them." He handed her three paperbacks.
                "Oh, thanks!"  Without really looking at them took them she tucked them away in her bag and got back to the register in time to help a customer check out.
                She loved finding time to chat with Eric. To say she had a crush would have been an understatement. Once the customer was gone they sat quietly for a few minutes. She realized Eric was looking at her arms.
                "What are those scars on your arms?" he finally asked.
                Wondering how long he’d been wanting to ask that, Amy pulled her arms behind her back. "Nothing really."
                “That’s not nothing.” Eric caught her arm with his hand, inspecting the small half-moon shaped scars that lined her forearms.
    She was uncomfortable. She never expected she'd have to explain them to anyone. Of course that was a long time ago. She hadn't hurt herself in years, but then she hadn't needed to cry for some time anyway. She was a stronger person now.
                He gently ran his fingers over her scars. He wasn't stupid, he knew exactly what they were from. "So why were you digging your nails
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