Toxic Bad Boy
because she did. It was her acting more like a friend
over the phone than my girlfriend. And I wanted my girlfriend
    She’d promised to visit me
soon, once she was cleared to drive again. I didn’t mention she
could always get a ride from a friend. Possibly her dad would bring
her here if she asked. The guy was likely still giving her whatever
she wanted after what happened to her. If I were him, I’d feel all
sorts of misplaced guilt.
    I made sure to remind her
at the end of each call how many days until we’d be together again.
I lived for that countdown. My brain updated that number when I
woke up each morning.
    After obsessing in
solitary for what seemed like hours about things I had no control
over, I finally fell asleep.
    We were escorted straight
to the warden after breakfast the following morning. The seven of
us remained mute as the warden lectured us and threatened that the
incident would be on our permanent records.
    In class, I threw myself
into my schoolwork. Later, I’d make sure to use my phone time to
call my mom and leave a message on Gianna’s voicemail. Those
messages ensured she’d be thinking of me as I constantly thought of
    When I spoke with her on
Saturdays, I tried my best not to be angry with her. I realized she
couldn’t help being messed up after what Josh did to her. Hell,
maybe the time apart was exactly what she needed. Selflessness
wasn’t a natural trait of mine, but I attempted it for her
    If I were able to be with
her, I’d be as protective and understanding of her as possible, but
I’d eventually enact a little tough love. I was sure I could think
of something to force her out of her despondency.
    In art class, I started a
new painting. This one was going to be of Gianna laughing. If I
couldn’t make the real Gianna laugh anymore, at least I could
capture on canvas the memory of it. There wasn’t enough time to
complete it today. I’d finished the sketching and played with color
    Ms. Singh had gotten the
administration’s agreement to letting me come in for a few hours on
the weekends to work on my paintings. She’d argued it was better
than me doing brainless activities like watching television or
playing basketball. Sometimes Ian got permission to sit in the art
room with me. When he wasn’t bragging about all the chicks he
planned to bang after he was released, he was sculpting
inappropriate things out of clay.
    Once my brushes were
cleaned and I’d stored my unfinished piece, I said goodbye to Ms.
    As payback for getting us
in trouble yesterday, I tripped Ian while passing him in the
hallway. The guards weren’t paying attention at the moment, so he
retaliated by kicking me hard in the back of my thigh. I’d get back
at him for that.
    During my phone time, on
impulse, I called Hailey. Being a bad girl, she’d apparently
skipped school and answered after I was forced to listen to the
angsty chick rock song she used as her ringback tone. Five seconds
of my life I’d never get back.
    Obviously not recognizing
the number, Hailey answered my call with a wary,
    “ Is this 1-800-YOU-SLUT?”
I asked in a gruff voice.
    “ No, it’s 1-800-KICK-ASS,”
she replied before screaming into the phone, “Oh my god, Caleb! I
can’t believe you’re calling me. I heard they locked your ass up.
Good riddance was my first thought.”
    “ Still mad at me?” I
    “ Yes. Are still mad at me,
    “ Yes. You acted like a
crazy bitch.”
    It didn’t matter that I’d
changed from the days when Hailey and I would get drunk and screw
around with each other or other people. I was bored out of my mind
and she was sure to provide entertainment.
    “ Tell me what you’ve been
up to. I know you have some good stories for me,” I told
    By the time a guard tapped my shoulder telling me
my time was up, I was laughing my head off at her antics. She’d
better watch it or she’d end up in here with me and
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