Touch Me There

Touch Me There Read Online Free PDF

Book: Touch Me There Read Online Free PDF
Author: Yvonne K. Fulbright
channel that energy with your breath, the more you’ll get out of doing the yoga positions and the more you’ll utilize your sexual energy during sex play. Yoga’s emphasis on breathing, movement, and spiritual communion increases the flow of prana (life energy) through- out your body. Hence, it also helps to cleanse and tone the sexual organs, keeping lovers healthy and sexually vigorous.
Yoga provides a different way of becoming intimate, of getting to know your partner’s body. As lovers move through the recommended positions, becoming pressed together at times, they are able to see each other in a whole new light. At the same time, yoga helps your body un- wind and feel good, possibly heightening your desire to make love. This interaction also helps to expand the idea of what sex is about, making it a full-body experience instead of merely a genitalia-focused one.
Centuries ago, Chinese doctors observed that muscular tension typically accumulated around specific points, blocking the body’s energy from cir- culating freely. Acupressure was developed to eliminate toxins held in muscle tissue, thereby increasing blood flow and energy. Special tech- niques for holding and touching major body points help to relieve pain and promote healing, relaxation, and increased sexual energy. Acupres- sure can be used by lovers to intensify pleasurable physical sensations and transform sexual energy, leading to greater healing and intimacy and deepening bonds of trust and compassion.
According to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, health is maintained by the smooth, unimpeded flow of life energy throughout the body’s meridians; acupressure uses “acupoints,” which can be thought of as doorways into and out of the body, to correct or restore this flow when necessary. Acupoints are the entry points into what are known as “meridi- ans,” channels that keep the body’s skin, muscles, and organs—as well as the psyche—healthy and in balance by transporting this life energy, known as qi, ki, or chi . In conjunction with the flow of blood and bodily fluids, chi nourishes the whole system. Acupressure involves the firm but gentle stimulation of acupoints with the practitioner’s fingers, thumbs, elbows, or feet. After an acupressure session, the restored flow of chi is sometimes experienced as a warm, tingly, heavy sensation followed by re- laxation. (Acupuncture, the practice of inserting fine needles into the skin to promote healing, utilizes the body’s same acupoints.)
Acupressure can be used by couples to improve their sexual chemistry and the quality of their relationship. Using your finger or hand, apply slow, gradual pressure to your lover’s pressure points. (Note: Do not pull the skin or use fingers with long nails.) Both partners should take long, slow, deep breaths in unison. Maintain the pressure on an acupoint for one to five minutes, gradually applying more of your body weight. This causes the system to release endorphins, neurochemicals that are the body’s natural painkillers, creating a euphoric high. It also allows oxygen and other nutrients to better nourish the body, naturally heightening
one’s eroticism and sexual responsiveness, connectedness, and vitality. It is the clear flow of energy through the body’s meridians that results in more radiance, sensuality, and intimacy.

An acupressure point can feel sore when pressure is applied. Be sure to ask your partner to let you know if they experience any tenderness. If your partner would like for you to continue, do so with slow, careful pressure so that a spot doesn’t become too sore.
To locate the acupoints, keep in mind that most will be along a bone indentation or protrusion. Don’t press directly on a bone unless you feel an indentation in the hollow of the bone. Other points are mostly located underneath major muscle groups, which can be found by feeling for a muscular cord or slight indentation between
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