To Steal a Prince
I’ll keep our conversation light, finish this tray of food, and be on my way. Besides, he’s filthy rich. It’s not like one little crown will break the bank. He can buy twelve more, then comfort himself with his remaining piles of money.
    “This is a delicious breakfast,” I tell him. “How did you guess my one weakness?”
    “Oh, just one? And what’s that?”
    “Grapes. And strawberries.” I’ve saved the star for last, and I can’t wait any longer. I take a bite. It’s so soft, and still warm. “Mmm, and pastries.”
    “I’ll remember that.” Damon doesn’t sound like he’s joking.
    Damn. Why does he have to make this so hard? I shake my head slightly. He was raised to be polite. I’m sure he’s like this with everyone. I’m nothing special, especially not to him.
    I finish the pastry, licking icing off my fingers. “I’m going to wash up.”
    Damon rises when I do, making me blush. Luckily, he doesn’t notice because his phone rings.
    “Perfect timing.” He fishes it from his pocket. “This should only take a minute.”
    Slipping into the bathroom, I check to see if I’m still blushing. Not too much. Hopefully I’ll be fine by the time I return to the terrace. I run my hands under cold water, trying to formulate a reason why I need to go. If Gabe had only kept his mouth shut, I could tell Damon that I’m needed at work. I dry my hands, but I can’t come up with a better excuse. What’s wrong with me? I’m usually great at talking my way out of trouble.
    I come back to find Damon still on the phone. Good. It’ll buy me a few more moments of brainstorming.
    “Oh no. Really?” His tone is troubled. What would trouble a prince?
    “Yes, I’ll be right there. Thanks. Bye.” He hangs up, his eyes haunted.
    “What is it?” I am concerned, but maybe now I won’t have to think up an excuse. Damon has to leave for something too.
    “That was the City Museum.” He trails off, uncertain whether he should reveal more.
    He doesn’t have to. My throat constricts, and blood rushes to my head. A call from the City Museum can mean only one thing, since I was there yesterday. I’ve been discovered.
    “I’m sorry. I have to go.” He holds a hand to his mouth.
    “That’s okay.” I try to sound casual. “I should probably be going too.”
    He turns abruptly. “Will you come with me?” His eyes are red. Is he about to cry? Is this really that upsetting?
    I stand before him, speechless. The Museum is really the last place on earth I want to visit at this moment, but I can’t stand seeing him in such pain.
    “All right. I’ll go with you.” The words fly from my mouth before I can stop them. I wince. What the hell am I doing?
    Damon puts on his sunglasses. “There’s a car waiting for us.” Taking my hand, he leads me from the room. I don’t know if he can sense my hesitation, but he’s not going to give me a chance to change my mind.
    We walk down the long hallway, then out into the sunshine. I realize that I’m still holding my bag. Am I really going to take the crown back to the scene of the crime? Damon opens the door for me. I don’t really have a choice.
    The dividing window is up, so I can’t see the driver. Damon takes his seat, knuckles white. We drive in silence.
    My much-neglected conscience starts nagging me. I stole the crown from the royal family. They were just an abstract concept, people I didn’t want to think about too hard. But Damon is very real, and very upset.
    Quietly, I drum my fingers against my seat. Why am I being so altruistic all of a sudden? Why should I care about some rich guy, anyway? I could tell him that I need to leave when we’re outside of the museum. Then I would be free. He wouldn’t stop me.
    That’s the problem, isn’t it? He’s too damn nice. I totaled his car, and he made me see his doctor and gave me a place to sleep. I might owe him something for that. And maybe… Maybe this could go somewhere.
    I bite the inside of my cheek as
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