To Steal a Prince
and I breathe deeply. It’s still safe.
    I need a look. Just one little look. Carefully, I unzip my bag. I don’t even have to take out the crown for the middle stone to glisten. It’s a brilliant green. I stare into it, enchanted.
    Abruptly, I zip my bag. I can’t risk the crown being seen. Not here. Throwing on a white tank and yellow shorts, I head back to the bathroom to blow dry my hair. I’m too impatient to do a good job, and it ends up looking like a lion’s mane. Well, it’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone. I puff away errant strands that try to settle on my face.
    Back in the main room, I collect my bag. I feel good enough that there’s no need to keep my appointment with Dr. Varna. I’m sure he has better things to do, and I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Swiftly, I tuck in my bed sheets, smoothing out the wrinkles. Maybe that will make the girl in gray hate me a little less, but I doubt it.
    Time to leave. Just as my hand touches the knob, I see a tray of food on a low table. Someone’s been in here.
    I try to relax. It’s unlikely that a servant’s been rifling through my things. That’s probably a good way to get fired. My stomach rumbles. The tray is covered with colorful fruits, along with a pastry shaped like a star. I don’t think I’m capable of passing it up.
    I’ll stay a few minutes. Just long enough to eat it. Picking up the tray, I carry it out to the terrace. I nearly drop it when I find Damon lounging in the sunshine.
    “Ah. You’re up.”
    “What are you doing here?”
    “Good morning to you too.” Rising, he takes the tray from me. He sits back down, setting it beside him.
    “I thought that was for me.” My voice isn’t quite as steady as I would like. Then again, I wasn’t expecting to have to defend myself against a prince’s charms so early in the morning.
    “It is. As long as you sit next to me.”
    Eyeing him warily, I sink into one of the turquoise cushions.
    He laughs. “Is that really such a high price to pay?”
    I take a grape from the tray. Does he know what I have in my bag? Is he trying to get me to confess over a nice breakfast? It’s going to take more than a pastry to make me talk.
    Damon leans back. “How was your night?”
    “You mean whole day?”
    “That too.” Damon stretches, putting his hands behind his head. His biceps strain his shirt as he curls his arms. He doesn’t seem to be showing off, just reveling in the feeling.
    What was he asking, again? His arms are very distracting. Oh right, about my day.
    “It was great,” I say. “I had everything I needed, just like you promised. You must entertain a lot.” I pick a dark red strawberry from the pile, trying to keep my expression neutral.
    “You have to, as a prince.” He studies me. It looks like he’s trying not to grin. “If you don’t entertain a lot of women publicly, people will start to wonder if you’re entertaining men privately.”
    “Oh? Is that such a terrible thing?”
    He steals a piece of pineapple from my tray. “It does decrease the number of interested women.”
    “Fair enough.” Strangely, I feel a pang of jealousy. But what’s to be jealous about? I didn’t care about the prince’s love life yesterday. Why should I care now that I know him? It’s not like I have a chance, anyway.
    “Eat.” He pushes the tray toward me. “You didn’t have anything yesterday.”
    “I almost had a muffin.”
    He laughs again, making my heart leap. I love that I can make him laugh.
    Biting into another strawberry, I fold my hands in my lap so I can pinch myself. I have to stop mooning over this poor man. He is my mark, after all. I can’t fall in love with him, or even like him. What kind of person would I be if I stole from a friend?
    I’m glad the tray separates us. The farther I am from him, the less susceptible I am to his green eyes.
    I pinch myself again. I need to stop this. I’ve already stolen from him, I just need to finish the job.
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