To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read Online Free PDF

Book: To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rita Sawyer
Tags: Romance
room. She’d probably heard everything they said. By the time they walked into the room she had a board game off the shelf and set up on the coffee table. Bobbie laughed and took a seat on the couch. Beau joined her, and Charlie sat across from them on the floor.
    The next few hours flew by. She and Charlie ganged up on Beau and beat him soundly in all three games they played. Bobbie laughed more than she had in the past few weeks and felt wonderful. Dinner was good even though the pasta was a little chewy, and the garlic bread was a bit hard. After dinner, Charlie excused herself to go start reading, leaving Bobbie and Beau alone. She sat at the counter while he cleaned the kitchen.
    “Why couldn’t I have fallen for you?” She really wished she knew the answer to that question.
    “I’ve asked myself that a dozen times.”
    “Yes. I mean I’m just as good looking as Jake, single, closer to you in age, have a daughter who loves you, and I’m even a passable cook.”
    “All good reasons, but you’re not interested in me romantically, either.”
    “You’re pretty and smart, but no, not like that. We could pretend and see if that lug head of a brother of mine notices.”
    “I’m not into playing games. Besides, if he noticed he’d just be glad he’s free, even though I’ve made it perfectly clear he always has been.”
    “Please, you hooked him years ago. He wants to be reeled in so badly he’s jumping out of the water hoping you’ll scoop him up with a net.” Beau loved fishing analogies and used them all the time, making her and her sisters laugh.
    “Beau, I don’t know what Jake has told you, but I was pretty clear with him about how I feel.” She figured Jake would have told him everything since they were so close.
    Beau closed the dishwasher and turned to lean against the counter. “You know it was one dinner, and they went as friends, right?”
    “See, that’s the problem. Everyone…my family, you, and Jake are under the impression that his going out with Kerri is why I’m upset. Granted, it hurt, but what hurt worse was no one telling me. And finding out after I dragged him into a closet and threw myself at him really pissed me off. But not as much as knowing he let me kiss him—and he kissed me back, by the way—which made everything exponentially harder to deal with.” She took a deep breath and looked at the way he stood there with his mouth slightly open. “Sorry, I guess you didn’t deserve all that.”
    “You dragged him…he kissed you? Like really kissed you?” Beau asked after running his hand across his mouth.
    “He didn’t tell you. Oh my god!” She got to her feet and headed for the door. “I thought you guys talked about everything.”
    Beau’s hand slammed on the door above her head keeping it from opening. “Oh, no you don’t. You are going to stay here and tell me everything. How long has this been going on? I know you two flirt, hell, the whole town knows you two flirt, but how far has it gone?”
    Bobbie closed her eyes and dropped her head against the door. She wasn’t about to stand here and tell him how Jake and her had been stealing kisses for the past year and a half. Or how she wanted, planned, and tried to do it long before that. Once Beau learned how she taunted and teased Jake into responding almost against his will he might lose any respect he had for her.
    “I have to go.” She tugged on the door, but it didn’t move.
    “That son of a bitch.”
    Charlie came running into the room at Beau’s loud cursing. “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing. Just stay with Bobbie until I come and get you.” Beau gently shoved her out of the way and opened the door.
    “I’m going home. I’ll take her with me. Get your stuff.” Bobbie followed Beau outside. “Beau, it isn’t Jake’s fault.”
    “I know you’re tempting, but he’s been playing with you and that’s just wrong.” He got in his truck and sped out of the driveway.
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