To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1)

To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Kristen
stayed home last week.
    Tessa had made quite an
impression on her. Tessa was a sweet, vivacious, generous girl who
was always willing to help her classmates and share her things with
them. She also had a rather wild and wonderful imagination.
    Just the day before, the
children had taken turns to come up to the front of the class and
tell their classmates about the people they admired. When it was
Tessa's turn, she had stood in front of the class and said, “The
person I admire most is my dad. My dad is awesome. He fights bad
guys and he's a dragon.”
    “A dragon?”
    Tessa hadn't flinched at
Amelia's question. Instead she had nodded firmly and said, “My
dad, Uncle Edriq and Uncle Zul are dragons.”
    Amelia had assumed that
Tessa's dad and uncles were in the military. Maybe DRAGON was an
acronym for a military unit, like the SEALs. Amelia had promptly
looked up DRAGON on her phone to see if there was a new special-ops
unit she hadn't heard about. There wasn't.
    Amelia clapped her hands
smartly to get the kids to pipe down. “All right, children.
Go to your tables now. We'll be doing some drawing today. We're
going to draw all the things we can find at the supermarket,”
Amelia announced to her bright-eyed students.
    As the children started
drawing enthusiastically, Amelia walked round the tables to check on
their progress and pick stray crayons and colored pencils off the
    She was just walking past the
window when something caught her eye.
    Amelia gasped and staggered
back. The crayons and pencils dropped from her hand and scattered
across the floor.


    There was something outside
the window, in the sky. And it looked like...a dragon.
    Amelia forced herself to
blink. Repeatedly.
    Nope. She wasn't
    It was still there.
    That...that dragon .
The same dragon she had seen or imagined or dreamed up last night.
    The huge, magnificent dragon
was flying across the sky, past the skyscrapers and buildings and
coming closer and closer.
    It was an unbelievable,
incredible, impossible sight. The dragon's shimmering blue scales
reflected the morning sun as it glided towards the school building.
The dragon tilted to the side and Amelia let out a shocked, horrified
    That ferocious, fearsome
creature had Tessa in its gigantic talons!
    Amelia pressed her palms to
the window and her students jumped out of their seats and crowded
round her.
    “Miss Amelia?” A
few small voices called out.
    She looked down at them and
saw that the children looked puzzled and scared at her reaction.
    “You called Tessa's
name,” Jasmine said, looking confused and anxious. Jasmine was
Tessa's best friend and the two of them were inseparable. They did
everything together, but they never excluded anyone.
    “Tessa's not here
today,” Jasmine murmured. “Is she sick, Miss Amelia?”
    “I...” Amelia
shook her head and pointed to the window. The dragon was swooping
down, coming in for a landing. “Can you see that?” she
blurted out.
    The children turned towards
the window and some rushed to press their noses against the glass for
a better view.
    “Be careful!”
Amelia began to pull them away, but the children stared at her in
    “See what?”
    “What's outside the
window, Miss Amelia?”
    “We don't see
    “What's wrong, Miss
    Amelia winced when she saw
her students' baffled, innocent faces. Some of them looked a little
    She was scaring them. She
was the teacher, the adult in the room. Yet she was the only one
seeing strange, flying, children-snatching dragons.
    But the dragon looked
terrifyingly real. She could see its deadly, serrated teeth when it
turned its humongous head in her direction.
    “Tessa...” Amelia
said in a pained whisper. Tessa was in the clutches of that dragon.
She couldn't have imagined that. There was just no reason why she
would imagine her student being grabbed by a fire-breathing,
flesh-eating beast. She wasn't a
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