To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1)

To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Natalie Kristen
sleep in the day but their dragons only needed a
few hours of sleep to recharge. They needed food more than they
needed sleep. Rohan and Zul would catch a few hours of sleep before
going to work at about ten or eleven in the morning while Edriq would
go to work in the afternoon. Their working hours were flexible so
they would rotate their shifts throughout the week. Sometimes, they
simply worked from home if they weren't needed at the office.
    Rohan spoke up before Tessa
could drag Edriq out the door. “I'll drive her to school
    “I think I deserve to
see the expression on Miss Amelia's face when she sees my handiwork,”
Rohan said, winking at Tessa. “I've earned it.”
    “Okaaaaay. But...”
Edriq's eyes darted to the clock. “Maybe you shouldn't take
the car.”
    “Why not?”
    Edriq lowered his voice so
Tessa wouldn't hear them. “Because...”
    But at that instant, Tessa
turned and her eyes bulged when she saw the time. “Daddy!”
she shrieked. “I'm late! I can't be late!”
    Edriq pushed Rohan out the
door as Zul grabbed Tessa's backpack and lunchbox. “You know
what to do, man,” Edriq said. “Just take the fastest
route to school!”


    Amelia stood at the door of
the classroom and greeted her students with a big smile as they filed
in. The children grinned and some jumped up to give her high fives
as they trooped into class.
    “Good morning, Miss
Amelia!” they chorused.
    Amelia grinned and waved to a
small group of mothers who were chatting outside the classroom. She
felt pretty upbeat today. She felt so much better when she woke up
this morning.
    It seemed that a good night's
sleep was just the thing to clear her head and set it firmly on her
shoulders. She had slept dreamlessly and deeply, and it was the best
sleep that she'd had in years.
    Refreshed and recharged, she
was ready to take on the world. And a class of rambunctious,
exuberant five-year-olds.
    Amelia had taken over Lilly
Vega's kindergarten class just over a week ago. Lilly had gotten
married and was moving to another state. Lilly had gasped and
blinked back tears when the children proudly presented the big card
that was covered with their palm prints to her on her last day.
    Amelia crouched down to help
some of the children put away their bags and lunch boxes. She
noticed that almost all the girls in the class had braided their hair
today. Some of them giggled as they came up to her and showed her
their pretty hairdos.
    Amelia touched her French
braid self-consciously as she straightened up. She suddenly realized
that the children were emulating her. They looked up to her and saw
her as a role model.
    Amelia swallowed, feeling
both inspired and humbled. She couldn't let these kids down. She
had to get past her nightmares, banish her demons and live a happy,
healthy, meaningful life. She would live in the present, not in the
past. And she would hold on to her goddamn mind. No more monsters
and mythical creatures. She would not live in a horror movie of her
own making.
    She could do it. She would
do it, for her parents, her students. And for herself.
    Balling her fist resolutely,
Amelia held her head high and gave her students a wide, brilliant
smile. Immediately she was rewarded with a dozen happy, excited
grins. The children were all raring to go, eager to start their
school day. Learning was fun, making friends was fun, everything was
bright and colorful when you're a kid.
    Amelia closed the classroom
door and did a quick headcount. She knew all the kids by name, and
she was getting to know their likes, dislikes, personalities and
quirks. Her students were little people with big personalities and
there was never a dull moment in class.
    Amelia counted the children
again. Yep, one kid was absent. Amelia scanned the group of
cherubic, glowing faces and frowned.
    Tessa Draek was absent today.
She hoped that Tessa hadn't caught the flu. There was a flu bug
going around, and a couple of kids had
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