Through The Pieces

Through The Pieces Read Online Free PDF

Book: Through The Pieces Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bobbi Jo Bentz
at you."
    "Smooches to Buck, too!" Annie hollered. To pacify her I agreed.
    "Yep, smooches." I shook my head. At least she was having a good time. My phone dinged again. "Annie, can you bring my phone in here, please?" She giggled as she handed it to me.
    I looked at the messages and my mouth dropped open. Annie must have texted Buck. Oh. My. God.
    Buck: Hope you are having fun
    Me: Buck+Clare
    Me: Smooches
    Buck: I take that as a yes
    Buck: Smooches back at you
    "Annie, did you send text messages to Buck?" My head was spinning, and I felt dizzy. Mel and Annie sat on the couch giggling. I needed a couple of shots now. I also needed to do damage control and inform Buck that Annie was the one who sent the messages, not me.
    Me: Please disregard the messages. That was Annie.
    My phone beeped instantly.
    Buck: Lie
    Me: Seriously, it was Annie.
    Buck: No worries! Smooches.
    I place the phone on the counter and took a big drink from the whiskey bottle. Crap. I went back to the living room, bottle in hand, and sat down in front of my sisters. They continued to giggle, still talking about Buck.
    "Well, I would love to see him naked." This came from Mel.
    "Nah, he’s like a brother to me. Besides he smooches Claire," Annie added.
    "He does not smooch me." I took another drink from the bottle.
    "Don't you think he is hot? I mean maybe he can help you get over Scott in the naughtiest of ways." Mel waggled her eyebrows at me. I looked over to Annie and she looked like she was passed out. Could I possibly be with someone else this soon? Probably not, I was fine with just looking.  I didn't respond to Mel right away and Annie sprang to life and stood up.
    "You totally like him!"
    "I did not say that!" I felt defensive. Why didn't I answer right away? This whiskey was getting to me.
    Mel and Annie burst into laughter and Mel immediately spoke up. "You should tell him!"
    Wait--what? "Tell him what? I do not like him like that!"
    That apparently made some kind of light bulb click in Annie's intoxicated head. "Yes let's text him!"
    "Text him what? "
    "Say, dear Buck, do you wanna fuck?" Annie had lost her mind.
    "You have had way too much to drink." With that I took the bottle and started for the stairs. It was time for me to get to bed. I hollered goodnight to my sisters and grabbed my phone. I could hear Mel giggling and Annie chanting, "Go fuck Buck!"
    Dear lord please let her pass out before I do so I can draw a penis on her face with a pen. I went to the spare bedroom and decided to take a quick shower. When I returned, I found Annie passed out on the floor. I got an extra blanket and covered her with it. I was a nice sister after all. Then I took out a pen from my purse and drew the most life-like penis on her forehead. I was a nice sister most of the time.

Chapter 5
    8 months later
    The December snow was beginning to fall. I could hear the wind blowing against the side of the house. It was going to be a slow day at Bookworm, the local bookstore where I had recently started working. I looked out at the blanket of snow now nearing over five inches. I let out a long sigh, imagining the slick roads. I went to the bathroom, turned on the water, and waited for it to heat up. As I undressed, I glanced in the mirror, the new hourglass figure suited me more than being my typical twenty pounds less that Scott liked. I liked having the curves.
    After my shower, I quickly dried my hair and dressed in a black pencil skirt and white button up shirt. I put my flats in a bag and grabbed my winter boots. Looking around the room at all my belongings boxed up, I felt a twinge of sadness knowing tomorrow I would be in my new place with Maggie. I had found a place above a coffee shop for rent, right across the street from the bookstore. Annie was having a hard time with me moving, even though she would be watching Maggie on the days I worked. I promised to come over for Sunday night dinner and gave her a key so she could come over whenever she
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