Those Wild Wyndhams

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Author: Claudia Renton
and 91, 124, 131, 148, 159, 238, 241, 265; Treaty of Versailles and 354; Wilde case and 180
    Balfour, Gerald 94, 119
    Balfour, Lady Betty 94, 101, 102, 103, 119, 124, 345
    Balfour, Lady Frances 64, 67, 69, 93–4, 100, 118, 119, 124, 159
    Balkans 26, 293, 299
    Barrie, J. M. 276, 353
    Beaton, Cecil 255, 362
    Beaverbrook, Lord 356, 364
    Begbie, Howard 31, 39
    Belgrave Square, London xvi, xx, 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22–3, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 56, 80, 110, 111, 113, 134, 186, 189, 200, 202, 203, 204, 212, 279, 282
    Belloc, Hilaire 256, 296, 297, 298, 311
    Bertie, Prince of Wales xix, 6, 29, 36, 89, 90, 163, 213, 223
see also
Edward VII, King
    Bethell, Adrian 316
    Bethell, Diana 343, 358
    Biddulph, Lady Elizabeth 111, 112
    Biddulph, Michael 111
    Blow, Detmar 195, 196, 253, 279–80, 295
    Blunt, Judith 105, 107, 133, 172, 175, 186–7, 190
    Blunt, Lady Anne 15–16, 20, 170, 173, 174, 186, 190
    Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen 15–19, 20, 21, 22, 43–4, 61, 86, 90, 99, 105, 106–7, 108, 109, 122, 131, 145, 147, 149, 150, 167–78, 179, 183–4, 185–6, 187–90, 191, 195, 201–2, 205–6, 215, 240, 244, 246, 254, 256, 278, 282–3, 297–8, 299, 311, 314, 322, 327, 355, 357, 359, 360
    Boer War, 1880–1/1899–1902 xvi, 196, 205–8, 209–13, 217, 220, 223, 225, 233, 234, 238, 241, 314
    Bonham Carter, Lady Violet 93
    Bourke, Emmie 56, 118, 119
    Bradlaugh Affair, 1881 34
    Bright Young Things 362, 366
    Brodrick, Hilda 55, 59, 86, 88, 92, 101, 102, 103, 241
    Brodrick, St John 59, 86, 88, 182, 201, 238, 241, 243
    Broken Blood
(Blow) 362
    Brownlow, Lady Adelaide 88, 91, 92, 124–5, 145, 147, 150, 158
    Brownlow, Lord 88, 91, 145, 147, 150, 158
    Buchan, Elizabeth 291
    Buchan, John 90, 291
    Bullers, Sir Redvers 207, 209
    Burke, Thomas 43, 99
    Burne-Jones, Edward xvi, 1, 7, 8, 15, 21, 24–5, 28, 29, 30, 31, 73, 87, 109, 118, 127, 131
    Burne-Jones, Georgiana 1, 15, 24–5, 26, 70, 109, 110, 119, 127, 129
    Burne-Jones, Margaret 21, 25
    Burne-Jones, Philip 15, 24, 119
    Burnett, Joyce 368
    Cadogan Square, London 85, 125, 131, 178, 186, 229–30, 236, 286, 311, 312, 319, 320, 352, 354
    Campbell-Bannerman, Henry 217, 226, 249, 263–4
    Campbell, Pamela, Lady 2, 9, 12, 122
    Campbell, Mrs Patrick 216, 229, 307
    Canada 265–6
    Carleton, Dorothy 102, 108, 111, 116, 190, 279, 355, 357
    Carleton, Guy 102, 108, 190
    Carleton, Mary 102, 108, 110–11
    Carlton Club, Pall Mall 150, 283, 285
    Cavendish, Lord Frederick 43, 98, 99
    Cecil, Lord Hugh 231, 311, 312
    Chamberlain, Austen 242, 243, 275, 283
    Chamberlain, Joseph 88–9, 196, 218, 241–2, 249, 263
    Charteris, Alan 62, 118
    Charteris, Colin 125, 129, 142–4, 351
    Charteris, Evan 41, 53, 55, 88, 93, 231, 326, 371–3
    Charteris, Frances 353, 356, 369
    Charteris, Guy Lawrence 68–9, 97, 111, 116, 117, 143, 169, 294, 304, 310, 319, 350–1, 353, 356, 369, 372
    Charteris, Lord Elcho (later, 11th Earl of Wemyss), Hugo: children and 125, 142, 143, 144, 175, 176, 177, 178, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 224, 228, 239–40, 260, 261, 270, 274
see also under individual child name
; death 373; First World War and 303, 307, 332; gambling problem 40, 46, 52, 140, 215–16, 238, 262; Gosford, transformation of 372; health 142, 143; infidelities 97, 102, 124, 140, 144, 167, 169, 173, 174, 177, 185, 216, 262, 296, 303, 307, 353; inheritance 216, 298–9; Lord Elcho, assumes title of 44; Lord Wemyss, becomes 298–9; marriage 50, 51, 52–6, 65, 66, 67–8, 97, 102, 124, 125, 139–40, 141, 144, 167, 169, 171, 173–6, 177, 178, 185–6, 187, 188, 189, 190, 216, 262, 296, 303, 307, 353; Mary Wyndham, first meeting and courtship with 40–2, 105; parents, relationship with 40, 216–17; political career 44, 54, 56, 84, 102, 214–15, 217, 242, 243, 264, 272; proposal and engagement to Mary Wyndham 44–7; Souls and 92, 94; wedding 47–9
    Charteris, Hugo Richard Francis ‘Ego’ 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 85, 111, 116, 117, 141, 169, 260–1, 262, 265, 272–3, 278, 294, 303, 310, 311, 313–14, 326–7, 330–3, 342,
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