"Mr Royston Sandford-Everett we would like you to accompany us to our investigation station to answer some questions concerning the murder of Ms Julia Maria Venison".
Everett didn't flinch in his retort...
"Does your rudeness know no boundaries? First you interrupt a private dialogue at this private Gentlemen's establishment and then you have the audacity to associate me with a crime I know nothing about, concerning a woman I've never heard of. I thank you not!”
Carson added support to his partner’s request...
"It is in your interest to accompany us Mr Everett. We merely pursue an inquiry and have to address every avenue in our attempt to eliminate the innocent and find the guilty".
"Oh, so it's a team effort - the hunchback and the black man. Well that just makes things worse, doesn't it? I mean you could have sent a well-presented delegation to ask me to talk to you about your ludicrous hypothesis, but no! Instead you send Quasimodo and an excuse for a man who I can't fully discern in this half-light. Now look around you and you will see four of the most eminent lawyers in this country who will block this pathetic initial arrest attempt and then turn the tables on you when I sue for defamation of character".
Whilst Everett's attack on the arrest squad continued, Vain felt the anger welling up inside him. He hated Everett even more now. Not only had he cruelly illuminated the poor physical condition of Stowles in a malicious fashion but he had added to this by his pathetic racist attack on Carson. Everett's ‘yes men’ associates had added a background of sustained laughter during the course of his condemnation.
It was that moment that the previously quiet Marcia Levene chose to play her and the team's trump card. Speaking from the shadows she commented...
"You have a choice now Royston, shattered, tattered or battered?"
Everett's smug face changed in an instant. Then, thinking his actions had been physically witnessed, he returned to the raving wild-eyed Everett of the previous evening.
"You were there! You bastards. Why didn't you stop me? For Christ's sake you let me do it - you bastards!”
With Everett's confession the giggling yes men physically withdrew and Voight's team encircled Everett. They locked their arms around a man who was screaming his outrage. Turning to his associates he cried...
"They let me do it! They let me do it! Look, you've got to help me gentlemen. Pearce, you'll help won't you? For Christ's sake Philbey, Hamilton help me, help me!”
His pleas fell on deaf ears. The associates were already departing. Everett was dragged to the awaiting car and a smile flickered on Vain's face as he saw Julia's tormentor roughly forced into the security vehicle. Vain picked the neckerchief up off the pavement. RSE was woven into the garment and it seemed to be a fitting souvenir for their first operation concerning MC retribution.
Leif Denison had called a Review Meeting in the Lower Chamber for 0900 a.m. The purpose of this gathering was to assess the Everett arrest, comment on how the conventional MC-ignorant police force were handling the case, divulge the ensuing plan of action and conclude by detailing the social function that would take place that night in Designation B. All bar one of the England-based MC-Project staff would be in attendance.
After the thirty-eight staff members had taken their seats Denison addressed the assembly.
"Congratulations. The Memory Camera Project team have triumphed. Our dedication and endeavour have been rewarded with the first sick animal being placed in the long stay sick pen.
“I feel ‘sick animal’ is a fitting description for Royston Sandford Everett, and my only regret concerning this case is that Britain fails to utilise the death penalty for this type of offence.
"Mr Voight's method of arrest proved flawless with the Carson-Stowles foil