were busy eating the meals they had ordered. They were totally oblivious to what I had just done.
Sapphire started whining as soon as she opened the door.
“Girl, you could’ve at least tried to help me carry this shit.” Once inside she closed the door, then blurted out, “Oh, shit, wait a minute.”
She opened the door and retrieved one of the drinks from the roof of the car.
“So, what’s the plan?” Sapphire asked while I was pulling out of the lot. She opened one of the boxes that was resting on her lap and took a bite of bacon, then licked her fingers. The aroma of the food was starting to make my stomach growl a little.
“I gotta go meet my brother,” I told Sapphire as I watched her munch on her food. “But first we gonna go eat this food.”
I was tapping my French manicured fingernails on the steering wheel in tune to Jamie Foxx’s CD as I drove.
“Oooh, that’s my shit!” Sapphire stated as she reached down and increased the volume on my stereo while snapping her fingers and grooving in her seat.
I rode for a few blocks until we were near the hotel where my latest gold mine lay. I pulled the Chrysler into the parking lot of a Mini-Mart that was directly across the street from the Embassy Suites hotel. Next to a pay phone is where I parked and killed the engine while allowing the radio to continue to play. Sapphire looked over at me and shook her head. I knew she had questions as to what I was up to. Only she didn’t ask because she was used to seeing me do sneaky shit on occasion.
We sat and ate our food while talking about a few of the fine ass men who had been at the club. I didn’t want to leave the club as early as we had, but my motto is M.O.D. (Money over Dick). Therefore, a bitch had to do what a bitch had to do!
I commented in between bites of my patty melt, “You know if I didn’t haveta handle this binness with Monk we could’ve hung out a little while longer.”
“Hell, I ain’t up for that shit tonight anyway.” Sapphire paused. “That shit wit’ Joy threw me all the way off my square.”
Thinking back to the confrontation that Sapphire was referring to, I remembered the way she had checked her cousin.
“Lemme find out you tryna get all gangsta an’ shit all of a sudden,” I teased while peeping her demeanor.
Sapphire looked up from her plate and smirked. “I ain’t sayin’ all that. I’m just tired of people taking my kindness for weakness.”
Her voice was hushed.
As an afterthought she added, “I might not be all ‘gangstress’ like your ass, but I can hold my own in any situation, thank you .” She had a twinge of sarcasm in her voice as she spoke.
“Oh, is that right?”
“Yeah, that’s right. You betta ask somebody.” Sapphire was smiling.
I was watching the hotel’s entrance as we continued to talk.
Sapphire peeped my shifting eyes and finally asked, “Girl, what the hell are we up to? Why we sittin’ out here in this damn parking lot eating? And why yo’ ass keep watching that damn hotel?” Her words were strung along like one big run-on sentence.
“I told you I gotta meet my brother,” I left it at that. I changed the subject back to the guys at the club. “Met somebody tonight.”
“Who and when?” Sapphire asked. She was curious to know when I’d had time to meet somebody. We had been together all night and she couldn’t remember me giving anybody more than fifteen seconds of my time.
“A guy named J.T. And it was when I stepped outside to use the phone. Talking about fine? This nigga was that with a capital F !” I was still watching the street as I spoke. “Then his boy pulled up in a damn Hummer! Now, this nigga here was laced! All I needed to see was his wrist and how icy that chain was that was swinging from his neck. Girl, I think I was talking to the appetizer while the entree was sitting in that damn truck.”
“You mean to tell me them niggas was doin’ it like that and you didn’t come get me? Oooh, you know you dead wrong for
Tara Brown writing as A.E. Watson