to match my schedule exactly to Ray's. I sit through fifty minutes of trigonometry, which naturally I know almost as well as history. I manage to refrain from alienating the teacher.
The next period I don't have with Ray either, although I know fourth period we will be together in. biology. Third is P.E. and I have brought blue shorts and a white T-shirt to wear. The girlfriend, Pat McQueen, has the locker beside mine and speaks to me as we undress.
"Why did Castro ask you to stay behind?" she asks.
"He wanted to ask me out."
"He likes the girls, that guy. What did you think of Ray?"
Pat is not excessively paranoid, but she is trying to ascertain where I am coming from. "I think he needs lots of love," I say.
Pat is not sure what to think of that, so she laughs. "I give him more than he can handle."
She pauses, admiring my momentarily naked body. "You know, you really are incredibly beautiful. You must have guys hitting on you all the time."
I pull on my shorts. "I don't mind. I just hit them back. Hard."
Pat smiles, a bit nervously.
Physical education is currently educating the boys and girls of Mayfair in the rudiments of archery. I am intrigued. The class is coed and the bow and arrow in my hands bring back old memories. Perhaps, though, the ancient memory of Arjuna, Krishna's best friend and the greatest archer of all time, is not one I should stir. For Arjuna killed more vampires than any other mortal.
All with one bow.
All in one night.
All because Krishna wished it so.
Pat follows me out onto the field, but tactfully separates herself from me as we select our equipment. I have already spooked her, and I don't think that is bad. I wear strong sunglasses, gray tinted. As I gather my bow and arrows, an anemic-looking young man with thick glasses and headphones speaks to me.
"You're new, aren't you?" he asks.
"Yes. My name is Lara Adams. Who are you?"
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"Seymour Dorsten." He offers his hand. "Pleased to meet you."
My flesh encloses his, and I know instantly that this young man will be dead in less than a year. His blood is sick—how can the rest of his body not be? I hold on to his hand a moment too long, and he stares at me quizzically.
"You are strong," he says.
I smile and let go of him. "For a girl?"
He rubs his hand on his side. His illness has startled me. I have bruised him. "I suppose,"
he says.
"What kind of name is Seymour? It makes you sound like a nerd."
He likes my forthright manner. "I've always hated it. My mother gave it to me,"
"Change it when you get out of high school. Change it to Marlboro or Slade or Bubba or something like that. And lose those glasses. You should be wearing contacts. I bet your mother even buys your clothes."
I am a revelation to Seymour. He laughs. "She does. But since I am a nerd, shouldn't I look the part?"
"You think you're a nerd because you think you're so smart. I'm a lot smarter than you and I look great." I gesture to our bows and arrows. "Where should we shoot these things?"
"I think it would be best if we shot them at the targets," he says wisely.
So that's what we do. A few minutes later we are at one end of the football field sending our arrows flying toward the targets that have been arranged in a neat row on the fifty-yard line. I impress Seymour when I hit the bull's-eye three times in a row. He is further impressed when we go to remove the arrows from the target and they are stuck in so deep he has to use all his strength to pull them out. He does not know that I could have split the shaft of my first arrow with the next two if I had wished. I am showing off, I know, and it is probably not the wisest thing to do, but I don't care. My mood this day is frivolous. My first day of high school. First happy thoughts about Ray and Pat and now I have taken an immediate liking to Seymour. I help him pull the arrows from the target.
"You have shot before,"
Eugene Burdick, Harvey Wheeler