Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1)

Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jane Glatt
head to his boots before they rested on his face. Kane’s amusement faded and he twitched his shoulders when he met her solemn gaze. He had the feeling she’d seen more than he wanted her to with those witch eyes.
    He bent to Andel. “Why was there no mention about the witch eyes do you think?” he asked softly. Witch eyes were so rare surely someone would have noted them? There had been three inn guards, two of his own Kingsguardsmen, not to mention the priest. All would have been able to see this thief’s eyes.
    “I gotta tell you, I’m a little relieved Captain, I was starting to think I was seeing things - you’re the first person that’s remarked on them.” At Kane’s raised eyebrow, Andel continued. “Even old Jervis there,” he nodded towards the door to the other room, “him that’s always throwing salt over his shoulder and givin’ the sign when he thinks anyone’s looked at him crosswise, even he didn’t have any reaction to the lass.”
    Perplexed, Kane looked at the prisoner again. Except for the eyes, physically she was completely unremarkable. He supposed that came in handy for a thief. Maybe that’s why she was a thief. He loved Kingsreach and its people, but he knew it was unlikely anyone in town would hire a woman with witch eyes. Maybe in Aruntun, but not in Kingsreach.
    He stepped closer to the cell and motioned for her to stand. With a slight sigh, she did, carefully brushing some straw and dirt off her breeches. Kane figured her nose was about even with the top of his shoulder, an altogether average height - all in all, nothing outstanding about this woman in any way. But for the eyes he’d bet most people could watch her steal their purse and not be able to pick her out of a crowd an hour later.
    “So,” he leaned in towards her. “Why is it no one has remarked on your eyes?” Her only reaction was a small frown and an increased wariness in her eyes. “And why was the priest able to see you so clearly in a dark room yet even he missed those eyes?” Kane was sure her reaction to his last question was fear. Was it because of the priest? The reports he’d read described the priest was a simple country cleric who felt favoured by the One-God when asked to deliver the knife to the High Bishop. Maybe it had something to do with the knife? There was much they didn’t know about old steel.
    Kane himself wore a sword of old steel, passed down for generations in his family. The sword was his - he felt it in the way it fit his hand, in the perfect balance, and in the soft hum that ran through his body when he wielded it. Every time he took up another weapon he felt the difference. Could she have reacted to something like that? He remembered the first time he’d handled his sword. Even though he’d been expecting to feel something he’d been startled. Perhaps the knife belonged to her family and the thief had a right to it?
    “Andel, please have Jervis come in,” Kane said and Andel stepped to the door and banged on it three times – the signal for Jervis to unlock it.
    “I’m going to interview the prisoner in her cell.” Kane told the jailer once he opened the door. It was an unusual request but Jervis simply nodded. He unlocked the cell door and stood aside as Kane stepped through it.
    “Jervis why don’t you wait in the other room? Andel will let you know when we need out - and I really don’t think I’m in any danger from this lass.” Kane kept his eyes on the prisoner while Jervis closed the other door on his way out.
    “I’m not going to hurt you.” Kane took a step in her direction. “But I need to get some answers.”
    She eyed him warily, her back against the wall.
    “I’m not sure I have any answers.” Her voice was quiet. “But I’ll co-operate.” She shrugged and gestured to the cell. “I’m not going anywhere until my mates buy my bond.”
    “Good.” Kane relaxed slightly. She was willing to answer his questions - he hoped she was willing to tell
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