Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness)

Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Their Dark Hunter (Masters of Darkness) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alaska Angelini
neck. She almost didn’t want to put the damn thing back on, but safety was important. Plus, the helmet would be better in case she ran into any demons that picked up that she wasn’t actually a full-blooded human. It was great cover to hide her identity.
    The cashier took her money and Melody thanked her, and headed back outside. She opened the soda and took a big drink. The burn felt good as it raced down her throat. After a few sips she stopped and watched the traffic around her. Cars were thick on all sides of the intersection. Ugh, it was going to be a pain getting to the church. The place where she collected holy water was next to the hospital where she worked part-time. It didn’t matter what time of day it was, the traffic was always hectic in that part of town.
    Melody put the bottle in her backpack and began raising the helmet when weird tingling took over her skin. The acceleration of her heart quickly joined a tightening in her core. Her eyes frantically took in the surrounding s: a demon. A very, very strong one. She couldn’t ignore the feelings inside of her. They were exactly like when she—
    A gasp came from her mouth as her eyes connected with an all too familiar face. The master. He sat at the gas pumps directly in front of her. His arms were resting on top of the fancy black sports car he was driving, just staring at her. The look was one right out of a movie. He wanted her. Melody would have bet her life on it. The master was all seduction and dark promises. One look into his eyes relayed messages more powerful than whispered words could ever capture. The impact they had on her body was downright terrifying.
    What was she supposed to do? Melody quickly glanced away trying to make it look as though he hadn’t just turned her world upside down. She pulled on the helmet and got on her bike. It was imperative she act as normal as possible. What if he didn’t recognize her? Yeah , right. With the look he was giving her, he knew exactly who she was.
    She started the bike and walked backwards with it as she slowly went in reverse. He was already back in his car with the windows rolled down, looking every bit amused as a cat stalking a mouse. And that’s exactly what she was to him. Prey. She’d started this game with her kiss and wave, and he was rolling the dice ready to take his turn. If she wasn’t smart, this master was going to eat her whole.
    Melody threw the R1 into gear and jerked down on the throttle. The way the traffic was lined up couldn’t have been more perfect. She flew through the intersection, barely making it between a truck and van. The wind whipped past her while she weaved in and out of cars. From the view in her rearview mirror, she could see him doing the same. Only she had a hell of a lot more room to work with.
    A laugh came from her mouth. She so had this in the bag. Once she was at the church, she was home free. There was no way he could step foot on holy ground.
    The pitchfork on the front of his car was gaining fast and before Melody knew it, he was directly behind her. The beating of her pulse overpowered the purr of the engine. She made a quick right and blasted down the back road. Tires squealed behind her and she was turning left onto the road the church was on before she knew it. Out of nowhere black blurred beside her, and she knew he’d jumped the curb. Melody skidded to a stop to avoid hitting his car as he slid sideways right in front of her.
    As they connected stares, the silver in his eyes sucked her in.
    “Get in.”
    The demand, so short, so full of authority, almost made her ease off the bike and follow his orders. Melody shook her head hard and sped around his car, driving right into the lawn of the church. She turned the key and walked to the grass. The invisible border was one he couldn’t cross. As the master got out and stood up, she had to crane her neck up to see him. He was at least a few inches over six feet. A lot taller than her five -foot-three
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