answer that” Mary! System is a closed military circuit, we didn't want other camps, or complexes or bandits knowing locations of where certain goods were.
We kill many beast, but the worst beast of all is human beings.
Finding the Gas
Ok where the hell are we David?
Were almost there! Tanker 2 should be a few blocks down, keep you eye out, for anything moving.
I guess we are going the finally see this crater, "Mr Zombie Slayer Kevin" it's been a month, I just have see if the story is real. Juan says to Rico. Then David jumps in the conversation! Lets make a bet, want to put some silver on it.
(Silver was the new currency, Gold was still worth more, very hard to come by, most gold were in the US Mint, and untouchable.
Silver and Copper was more abundant, spoons, plates, fine china, computers, pipes it was every where you just had to find some.)
So how much? Says Rico
How about 5 pies = to one Morgan
( pies are slices of the coin)
How about 10! Rico and me.
David " Ok your on!" Easy money!
What are you guys, talking about!
Nothing sir! The three guys had smirks on their faces.
Dead ahead" we got zees, about seven, all walking type. Do not fire your weapons, mêlée only! David calls out.
Rico" hey Slayer you killed so many right! So what is your best finishing kill." Wait wait!" Finisher ha ha! I'll show you a finishing kill. Watch this. Juan responded.
I call this! "Home Run De-Header" Juan walks up the first zombie, pulls out a wooden baseball bat.
and stand at a right hand baseball batters stance, he looked as if he was waiting for a pitch. The first zee walks closer, as if it knows its going to eat. Juan swings the bat in a circular motion and Bam, strikes the zee in the neck causing the head to pop up straight into the air above Juan's head. He then swings the bat at the head. hitting the zees head about fifty feet in the air. HOME RUN! The head slams to ground, like a watermelon be shoot with a catapult. Now that's a killer move Beat that Bitch! Juan screams out, with laugher. All of the sudden, a machete flow by like a black bird flapping his wings. " Swank" zombie two fell to the ground with the machete embedded into the zees skull!"Slayer the zombie Slayer" nice one what so you call that! "Birds of Prey" Slayer replied.
That's to easy! I can do that! This is the "Hawk Eye" Rico pulls a tomahawk ( Indian hand axe)
And tosses it straight at zees number three, the axe ledges into the zombies neck, the blacked blood leaks out! Zombie continues to walk forward! "Rico" Damn it I missed. He then walks up to the zee and finishes by striking brain with the tomahawk. David laughing his ass off, you failed on that one dude! Oh yeah can you do better?
"Rico calling David out!"
You see I don't need mêlée weapons, you only need your strength. David, charges head on like a bull, picks the zombie up like a wrestler, grabbing around the waist and slams the zombie backwards smashing head first into the cement. SPLAT! The zee skull cracks half way leaving, mouth and chin followed by a flat brain fragments.The body was flipped over as if the zombie rolling down a hill. Down goes zombie four.
Ohoooo! Damn that was sick! My turn! Let me show you guys, how to kill a zombie with finesse.Shawna draws her compound bow, loads an arrow and waits. She focus for a moment and releases.
Zombies five and six both fell to the ground, falling on top of each other with one arrow in both of their heads. That's called The Two for One! That's cheating Shawna, mêlée weapons only. Well it didn't make much sound. Says Shawna!One more who wants to handle this one.
Slayer then withdraws the machete from the zombie's head to which he killed earlier. He then runs toward the last zombie.
The machetes blade still dripping with blood, he slices the zombies between the legs and continued up pasting the stomach and torso stopped at the neck.The zombie split in haft leaving the head and brain intact. That's what I call