series of modest goals leading to a series of modest achievements which became at some point quite considerable.
With Allerton in a moving house. Clutter the Glind. We are moving south. There is a back hall and a small back room that can serve as bedrooms. I say that the speed has to be reduced or the motors will burn out surer'n Sunday petting a phantom phallus wrapping the target in pulsing fur. . . . Despite his basic coldness. Society note of a black reliable backup Margaras tar weapons the crest of a country auto hairdo coming to a policy delineated by what Burn's hole won't take in a fighting suit of Glind screams the captain of what one can pull on south. There is a back hall be removed the lips can serve as bedrooms start to rotate be reduced or the motors will cut a gaping hole so fast January 20 arrested by a phantom extendable ear. Stiff loyal fried and good one leg cut oft" reference to a secret service without cat caught in a steel trap. We are moving flesh with special attributes and a small back room that grows in place. Someone offers me the management of a bar in Nova Scotia.
And that is what we did, move a phantom organization to Asunción. No KGB to pull us back to Home Center and no Home Center to get pulled back to, and that is how we conceived Margaras Unlimited, a secret service without a country. Its policy is delineated by the jobs it won't take. Come level on average, MU takes the usual secret service assignments: assassinations, riot incitement, revolutions, collapses of currencies, collection and sale of information. There was only one existing agency even remotely similar and that was Interpol. Since Interpol was staffed to a large extent by ex-Nazis, some of them on Kim's list, we were soon firmly entrenched and in possession of vast criminal files from which we could recruit agents by the threat of exposure and extort money in return for expungement from the files and consequent freedom to operate.
We transformed Interpol from a passive bureau of criminal information, without power of search, seizure or arrest, into a supernational police force with full power of arrest, search and seizure, extracting information from all police and intelligence agencies while owing fealty to none.
Before they knew where their Margaras disks were, we were into the files of the KGB and the CIA like a swarm of mole crickets. Our computer files are in many locations, mostly America, owing to the lack of police surveillance; also in South America with our travel agencies; in Scandinavia with Nudist magazine; in Switzerland, the copies in bank vaults. Our technicians move from center to center easily since they are not trailing wires to Moscow Center, MI-5, Langley, Tel Aviv and other marginal agencies.
The Swiss are going soft on the heavy money toilet, and no second Switzerlands are rearing their assholes now that the IRS is cracking down on the Caymans and the Bahamas. Any agencies I've forgotten? Nationalist China? The sinister mafia of Vietnam? The old Union Corse not to be underestimated? The Vatican cannot be over estimated. All the pressure groups. We trail no wires. Our policy is SPACE.
Anything that favors or enhances space programs, space exploration, simulation of space conditions, exploration of inner space, expanding awareness, we will support. Anything going in the other direction we will extirpate. The espionage world now has a new frontier.
Chapter 02
Joe the Dead lowered the rifle, like some cryptic metal extension growing from his arm socket, and smiled for a fleeting moment. A blush touched his ravaged features with a flash of youth that evaporated in powder smoke. With quick, precise movements he disassembled the telescoping rifle and silencer and fitted the components into a toolbox. Behind him, Kim Carsons and Mike Chase lay dead in the dust of the Boulder Cemetery. The date was September 17, 1899.
Joe walked away from the Cemetery, back toward Pearl Street and the center of