The Wedding: A Faces of Evil Short Story
delicate silver sprigs as accents. In the cathedral were more roses, tulips, and orchids, along with hydrangeas. The ends of all the pews were festooned with silk ribbons and hanging drifts of the gorgeous flowers. It was so lovely.
    “Since I’m walking you down the aisle for Dad,” Lily spoke up, “I brought the six pence for your shoe.”
    More emotional laughter had Jess battling tears. Lori helped Lily to place the small silver coin in Jess’s shoe.
    Jess took her sister’s hand in hers. “Thank you, Lil, for being an amazing big sister.”
    Lil squeezed her hand. “Any time.”
    A fluttering deep inside made Jess gasp.
    “Are you all right?” Lori searched her face, worry in hers.
    Jess smiled, more of those confounding tears burning her eyes. “I think I just felt the baby move.”
    “Oh!” Lil placed a hand on Jess’s belly. “Isn’t it incredible?”
    Another of those little butterfly flutters made Jess gasp again. “It’s incredible.”
    “Tissues!” Sylvia rushed across the room and grabbed the box.
    Jess couldn’t help smiling as her friends dabbed their eyes. Lori handed Jess a tissue and she did the same. A rap on the door made them all jump.
    “That’s probably the wedding coordinator,” Lil warned. “It’s almost time.”
    Lori went to the door and opened it. She looked surprised. “Just a moment,” she said to whoever was on the other side of the door before turning to Jess. “There’s someone here to see you.”
    “As long as it’s not Dan,” Lil cautioned.
    Lori shook her head and opened the door. Wesley Duvall walked in.
    Jess’s breath caught again and this time it had nothing to do with the baby. “Wesley!” He’d said he was coming. She was glad to see he’d made it.
    “Jess.” He nodded to the others. “Ladies.”
    Before Jess could make any introductions, Wesley kissed her on the cheek. “You are simply glowing, Jess.”
    Wesley Duvall was her ex-husband. They’d realized soon after the marriage that they were better at being friends. “Thank you, Wesley.” Jess glanced at her friends. “Does everyone know Wesley? He’s—”
    “The fool who let her get away,” Wesley announced.
    Sylvia thrust out her hand. “Sylvia Baron.”
    Wesley shook Sylvia’s hand. “Wesley Duvall.”
    “Gina Coleman.” Gina shook his hand next.
    “We’ve met,” Lori said with a nod and a brush of palms.
    “Yes, Detective Wells, we certainly have.”
    Lil took her turn but opted to give him a hug rather than shake his hand. “Did you see Blake and the kids out there?”
    “I did. In fact, I’m sitting with your family. The usher said that’s where I was to sit. I hope that’s right.”
    “You are family,” Jess assured him. She and Dan had discussed the issue of exes. Annette Denton and her daughter Andrea were seated with Dan’s mother. Technically, now that all the required paperwork was done, neither she nor Dan had an ex. This would be their first and only marriage in the eyes of the Church.
    Wesley smiled. “I have to leave right after the ceremony and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to say hello so I convinced the wedding coordinator to give me a moment.” He took Jess’s hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “I wanted to tell you that I’m so happy for you and Dan. I look forward to an invitation to the christening.”
    “Absolutely,” Jess promised.
    After a careful hug, Wesley hurried away to take his seat. Mary returned with the three-minute warning.
    After more careful hugs and air kisses, the bridal party filed out of the dressing room and moved to the vestibule. Jess could hardly hold herself together as the heartrending notes of Canon in D Major filled the cathedral. Buddy sneaked over and gave her a hug.
    “Love you, kid,” he murmured, almost starting a flood of fresh tears. Thank God for Sylvia’s great-grandmother’s hankie.
    A moment later Buddy wrapped Sylvia’s arm around his and started their walk down the center aisle.
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