The Vampire's Valentine Surprise: A Nocturne Falls Short
her red hair. Cole and his daughter were with her as well. He approached them, the need to know if his wife had been poisoned paramount in his mind.
    “Excuse me, Pandora, Cole. I’m sorry to interrupt.”
    They both turned. Cole stuck his hand out. The man had become one of the best teachers Harmswood Academy had seen since taking the job. Students loved him. “Mr. Ellingham. Good to see you.”
    “And you. I hope you’re all enjoying yourselves.”
    “We are,” he said. “Right, Kaley?”
    The girl leaned against her father and spoke around a hunk of chocolate she was nibbling on. “Oh yeah, totally.”
    But Pandora’s smile faded. “Hugh, what’s wrong? You look upset.”
    “It’s Delaney.” He glanced around. “She thinks someone may have slipped something into her coffee. She was hoping you could test it with your… skills and see if you could tell. Is that something you could do?”
    She nodded. “Sure. If it’s organic, Marigold would be better, but today is sort of her Black Friday.”
    “I understand. Whatever you can do to help would be appreciated.”
    “Absolutely.” She looked at Cole. “You guys can stay here. I shouldn’t be too long.”
    Kaley said, “If it’s witchy stuff, I want to come. After, like, one more sample.”
    Pandora glanced at Hugh. “That all right with you?”
    “Of course.”
    Pandora put her hand on Cole’s arm. “You and Kaley finish up here and then come find us in…” She checked with Hugh. “What tent?”
    “Tent One. Delaney’s station is the first one on the right-hand side.”
    “Got it,” Cole said.
    Pandora gave Hugh a nod. “Let’s go.”
    Hugh led her back to Tent One and Delaney’s station. When they arrived, she was nestling raspberries into a thick layer of white frosting covering a layer of red cake.
    “I found her,” Hugh announced.
    Delaney looked up from her work. Hugh’s gut clenched. He didn’t remember there being such dark circles under her eyes. Something was definitely wrong.
    “Are you all right?” He went to her side, looping his arm around her waist. “You don’t look well, my love.”
    She sank against him with a sigh. “I just got really tired all of a sudden.”
    “Are you coming down with something?” Pandora asked. “Is that even possible for you guys?”
    Hugh knew she meant vampires. “Not really. You’d better test that coffee.”
    Pandora nodded. “Where is it?”
    Delaney pointed. “That’s it in the Hallowed Bean cup.”
    “Okay.” Pandora picked it up, pried off the top and sniffed. “I don’t smell anything odd. I need some alone time with this to do what I really need to. I can’t cast a spell right here in front of everyone.”
    Hugh helped Delaney sit on the folding camp chair that Stanhill had thoughtfully added to her inventory. “Take it to the first aid tent. It’s just behind this one. Tell them you need to make a call and I said you could have the tent to yourself. If that doesn’t get you some privacy, call me and I’ll personally come over and make it happen.”
    Pandora smiled, then reached over and gave Delaney’s shoulder a squeeze. “I’ll be back as soon as I can with an answer.”
    “Thanks,” Delaney said.
    Pandora left and Hugh knelt beside Delaney. “I think we already know the answer. I’m going to call Sheriff Merrow and have that woman arrested.”
    “We don’t know for sure.” Delaney patted his cheek. “I feel better just sitting. Maybe I picked up something. There must be some kind of bug vampires can get.”
    “There isn’t. But we’re not immune to everything.” Like poison.
    Delaney tipped her head. “And how would Vicky be able to figure out what sort of thing would make a vampire sick? She doesn’t even know I’m a vampire.”
    “I don’t know. Dumb luck? That’s probably the only kind she has.”
    Delaney smiled weakly. “I have a cake to finish.” She pushed to her feet with visible effort.
    “You can barely stand.”
    “I can
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