cums here
what ingenga will cum here grandfather
none will cum if always thu has a glaif or a sweord or a scramasax he saes always thu moste be guardan we moste hold this land it is how we cum here
who cum here
anglisc folc cum here across the sea many years ago. wilde was this land wilde with ingengas with wealsc folc with aelfs and the wulf. cum we did in our scips our great carfan scips with the wyrms heafod and we macd good this land what had been weac and uncept and was thus ours by right
was thu in these scips grandfather these great scips
this was many years before i was born
was there years before thu was born
yesterdaeg i was yonge lic thu marc them they will fly lic the crane all of thy years
but this is our ground now yes
it is our ground for we has macd it ours but there is those who wolde tac it from us he saes i will teacc thu what i has cum to teacc thu loc
while talcan grandfather has been rowan through undeop deorc waters. it is early in the mergen mist is risan from the waters and on the top of the waters is mos grene lic the grenest daeg and deop below deop in the blaec water can be seen great leafs what is suncan almost from sight. all is flat all this land is flat naht stands abuf the reods. low we is and we gan slow through the green and naht is to be seen but the water and any man passan by wolde not cnaw he was any thing but alone here. on efry side the lesch and the saw secg what has leafs what cutts any man felan them. naht but lytel fugols callan naht but water runnan slow
we cums to a pool to a place carfan it seems into the secg and this is where grandfather stops paddlan and ecges the boat up to the lesch and the rusc and tacs his glaif then and lifts it abuf him. cwic he is cwiccer than i can see and he has thrust it then in to the water and pulls it out again cwiccer than the hund tacs the hara and on the ends of his glaif is six writhan aels blaec and scinan in the sunne what is risan now ofer the yeolo secg
fast he saes tac them fast and thu will haf as many as can feed all of us in our hus and all in the ham
slow he saes and thu will hungor till thu is wasted
i locs at these aels still on my grandfathers glaif he holds it now up to the heofon that i may see in the sunne what is cum how he has gifan me sum thing i has not had. the aels is writhan but slower now slower they is dyan and i is yonge and dumb and this seems a sad thing
grandfather i saes can thu not cwell them cwiccer they is dyan slow
they is aels he saes only aels
but still i saes it seems hard
i will tac thu he saes sum daeg i will tac thu to a holt where a blaec ea runs. many craws there is in this holt and efry efen thu may hiere them screaman lic hel itself is cum for them. by this holt there is a hafoc a great fugol with a carfan bec what can tear and efry night it cums to the holt and it cums for these craws. thu may sitt thu may sitt by the path and watch this great feoht sum times the craws they drifs off the hafoc but sum times the hafoc it tacs down sum craw and this then is the greatest thing to see. to see this hafoc and this craw to see them rise and fall to the ground to see this hafoc tear at this craw this is to see the lif of all of us and it is to asc thy self if thu is hafoc or thu is craw. or if thu is ael for sum men writhes without efen feohtan
thu moste see the hafoc tac down the craw he saes and thu will see that all of the world is blud and thy worc is not to lose thine before thy time. be the hafoc not the craw nor the ael for this is how we cum to this land and it is what we is
well i has been specan micel of my grandfather but this was not my tale it is not of what i meant to be specan. it will cum though i thincs efry daeg of what things wolde be now if it had nefer cum for i wolde still be with my glaif by the secg in the sunne. aels is the best thing to be eatan i was in the holt for so long berries i was eatan nuts leafs sum times fugols the hara it