don’t live at that address… I’ve been there and asked the neighborhood about you, and they told me that you have never lived there.”
“ You don’t want to know where I really live.”
He said and t he expression in his eyes became him even more distant and mysterious. I felt insecure, and, at the same time, I seemed fascinated by that whole mystery in the air.
M y duty was to solve it.
“ Why were you after me?” His face was austere.
“ I wanted to give this back to you.” I put his books on the table and bit my lip; after all, I was angry. “You left them yesterday, in the classroom.”
“ You shouldn’t have gone after me yesterday”, he said, looking ahead.
“ I should!” My anger increased. “So then I was aware you had lied to me.
“ Do you consider that a lie?” he crossed his arms over his chest and stared into my eyes.
“ How do you name it?” I was irreducible.
“ A misunderstanding”, he answered, coolly.
“ That’s a misunderstanding… your neighbors don’t know they’ve got a neighbor whose name is Eros.” My voice turned up.
“ I’ve never seen you so angry”, he confessed, and unfolded his arms.
“ I hate lies!” I stared at him and he could feel the taste of my fury through my eyes.
“ If I hurt you … I apologize now …”
“ Lies don’t dissolve with apologies.”
I said and turned my back decided to go away, however, he remained looking at me as I was walking to the reading - room door, without looking back at him.
I decided not to come back and tell him some other nonsense, which were stick in my craw.
Eros , for having lain to me, he had destroyed a beautiful feeling which was growing inside of me.
I decided I wouldn’t stay in school to watch the other two classes. I didn’t want to see him after our conversation.
I was so overpowered by anger. Then I thought me being far away from him it would be the best solution, at that moment, for all I was feeling.
I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep again.
As I lay in bed, I tried to calm my nerves, in an attempt to fall asleep again. After many attempts, I didn’t succeed; then I rose from my bed and walked slowly to the window; it still was open.
As usual, I always slept this way due to the constant visits of that owl.
I became seasoned to that routine: with it coming to my window almost every night, watching my sleep.
When it didn’t show up, I always felt weak.
I looked out the window and sighed.
Between two trees I saw someone walking quietly, that is, Eros had just come out from nowhere and was standing in my backyard.
I quickly averted my gaze, but then my eyes were back on him.
Eros was positioned next to a tree.
He made gestures to me, calling me.
Unwittingly, I stepped out of my bedroom and went there.
I was wearing a long- white night-dress and was barefooted.
I didn ’t want I could walk away without first talking to him.
“ What are you doing here?” I asked, with a subtle gleam in my eyes.
“ I need to talk to you.” His voice was soft.
“ How did you find out where I live?” I asked, surprised.
“ I followed you, without your knowing.” he answered, grinning.
My blood flushed to my cheeks. We walked together and sat down beneath a tree.
We remain silent for a moment and then he had broken the silence.
“ You may think I’m a freak walking in the middle of the night , in someone’s backyard.” He paused. “But I really had to talk to you; I didn’t want you to think I’m a scoundrel.” He said kindly.
I glanced at him, but he was staring at the floor.
“ I’m not angry with you.” I confessed.
“ I don’t want to destroy our friendship and miss you.” He looked at the darkness while I was staring at him. “You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met… and I have nobody, except…you, who’s my best friend.” He took a deep breath and confessed.
“ I don’t want you
Michelle Fox, Gwen Knight
Antonio Centeno, Geoffrey Cubbage, Anthony Tan, Ted Slampyak