Author: Michael P. Buckley
Naples and the people who are guarding everything to keep Americans away. He went on to say they would need to secure all the motels and hotels in town to house all the people from the prison.
    The information we had at one time the camp had 10,000 plus Americans. He bet it was only half that number and to subtract all the people they have tortured and killed. The numbers now would be closer to 2 to 3000 people, that would be his rough guess. The longer they waited the more lives will be lost, they had to get them out. “David said that since they took over the grocery store no Chinese have tried to take it back.”
    His idea was to take forty of the fifty at the grocery store and use them somewhere else. Tomorrow they could try to take over three motels or hotels and one department store. They should be all in the same area and they could set up a few strong quick reaction forces to attack any Chinese threats. “If they sent there Task force to counter attack us then we would be ready with our own quick response teams to attack the Chinese.”
    He told Mike they had enough people where they could leave ten people to a building as a security team to hold and secure the buildings.
    David asked Mike if he felt up to setting up three task forces who would be there quick response teams, fifteen men to a team and three different teams.
    They had in place a quick response team all ready, but he did not want to take them away from the Port Royal area. “David told him that he could change the size of the teams and the number of teams as their needs changed. He would leave that up to him. The question now is will you do it Mike?” Mike agreed to take the job for the quick response task forces.
    He would assign the hotel/motel and department stores to Jerry and Bryant. Scott and himself would bring ten people with them in the morning and head towards the Prison camp and try to get any new information that they can round up. He told Mike they would need to plan on having at least 1500 rooms for the people in the prison camp. They can double them up in the rooms, and if needed three to a room.
    He told Mike they were moving fast but for everyday we leave the people in that camp more will die. David did not want all the dead on his consensus, because he did not do his best to get them out, Mike felt the same way. The sooner they got the people out of the camp the better.
    They had to put an end to the main headquarters in Ft Myers, but that would have to wait until they freed the people from the prison camp. He noticed Mike carried two grenades on his web belt harness, he asked him why the grenades. Mike told him in case the bullets don’t kill them maybe the grenades will.
    Another day had past and morning time was upon them. The day would be a busy one and everyone had their assigned task. David would head over to the prison with Scott and ten more men. Bryant, Mike and Jerry had their tasks so David and Scott took off for Golden gate. He pulled up near a dirt road and had everyone drive down the road to hide their vehicles. They would get out, and walk, stay in the woods to hide themselves from the prison camp.
    The men closed in on the camp and what they saw next was right out of a horror movie. Covering the front fence the Chinese hung twenty heads severed from the bodies. The heads were from woman, men and children. The soldiers have stepped up the killings and cruelty. David thought to himself that whatever the soldiers plan was with the heads, only made David want to kill them even more.
    They left and headed back to town to check on how the hotel/motels and department store was going. With any luck they would be successful. David did not need and explanation on what he saw. The road covered with dead Chinese; three trucks from the soldiers were ablaze from RPG-7 direct hits by Mike’s task force. The soldiers who survived the rockets, shot to pieces with machinegun fire.
    Everyone loaded up and got the hell out of there
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