Author: Michael P. Buckley
rocket launchers are one shot and throw away”. The Chinese boat was closing in on them with their rifles blazing away; soon the blazing, replaced with a big fireball when Mike made another direct hit ending their game of chase forever.
    He would have never believed in a million years that The Chinese would have found them out in the swamps, but they did and that surprised everyone. They would have to be careful what they assume and know that the Chinese could be anywhere at any given time. The guys were happy that was over. It was a little too close for comfort, the bullets from the Chinese were getting very close to hitting their targets, they were all lucky that no one got shot.
    He handed out a Glock model 22 pistol to each of the nine guys and kept one for himself. They included thigh holsters, Double magazine holster and he gave them three fifteen round magazines each. He gave them 2000 rounds of 40 S&W ball ammo. He had forty more Glocks and 10,000 rounds of ammo to include holsters for all. Each gun came in a case with a cleaning kit. He would give the other forty to David to do with as he pleases. One of the joys of being Special Forces they were not stuck with the model 92 Berettas in 9mm. The 9mm is used because it is a NATO used round and used by all the allied forces, whatever the 9mm can do the 40 S&W will do better. In his book better is always a good thing.
    They finally made it back to put their airboats away, and loaded up in the trucks and headed to Port Royal. Mike Hauled ass and the other truck followed. They were almost there, they would check the perimeter on the way to make sure everything was secure and the Chinese did not follow them. He was a little worried about being followed after they had been chased with the airboats in the swamps. When they had a second he would pull over to check the trucks real quick, to make sure they did not have any tracking devices on them. He found one on the two trucks and threw it away. They were on their way again, They had no one following them.
    Mike had a look around and everything looked secure, he would pull into the house where David was and they would unload everything. He walked in, David was taking a much-needed rest, and sipping a cup of coffee, he asked David if he had another cup. He said sure he just put a fresh pot on, it should be ready in a few minutes. David asked mike did they get everything they went to the camp for. Mike said he was able to get much more than he thought was possible. They struck gold. The camp just resupplied, and they went there at the right time. He told David about the incident with the two airboats, how they destroyed both of them with law rockets. David said he was lucky they had the rockets with them. David went outside to see what they brought back and he was amazed. Mike said he brought back forty Glock model 22 pistols for him along with 10,000 rounds of ammo as a Christmas present to include holsters.
    They found fifty claymore mines to include the wire and electrical blasting caps and m57 firing devices, “Some called them cranker” hand squeezable generator type to energize the Blasting caps to set them off.
    And twenty M-4 rifles and 30,000 rounds of 5.56 mm ball ammo. Twenty old style Law rockets. Two hundred fragmentation grenades, fifty CS grenades, fifty of each, Red and Yellow smoke grenades.  And one hundred, razor sharp combat knives, specially made by Randal. To include sheaths. Mike took one for each of the nine guys who went with him on the airboat, and he took one for himself. He told David the rest of the knives and everything else is his.
    Mike asked David what was next. David had told him if they got the people out of the other prison camp there would be no housing for them. We cannot leave them in that camp to die. The people who we got out of the prison camp will rest for a few days to recover from their harsh ordeal. The rest of us can do a little recon of the town. To check the Chinese support for
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