led a small team
to a cache of blueprints, food and a few Russian weapons. At least
one of the men he was after had been hiding there recently.
Mycroft tapped out
a quick reply telling them to keep their distance and observe. It
wouldn't help if they scared the man off. It would be better to let
him come and go and give Mycroft a trail he could follow himself.
It was time to take over from the amateurs and solve this
Chapter 4
Amelia felt a lot
better as she put her knife and fork down and sat back from her
breakfast plate. It was now empty apart from a small smear of
tomato juice left over from the baked beans. There was nothing
quite like an English breakfast to start off a busy day.
With the assurance
from Myron that Guy wasn't her stalker she felt a little better,
and it was more than she expected for him to be allowing a second
attempt at one of the tests he had for her. It encouraged her, even
if she did feel nervous about the day. At some point she would need
to spot the right thing and be able to give Myron the details. He'd
given her no indication of what she should spot and when, but given
that he also wanted her to look out for her own stalker and tell
him about that, it would be wise of her to observe every little
detail she could. Amelia found herself feeling very grateful that
she'd slept well and was more awake and aware than she'd been in
days. She'd need it.
As Shane had
promised, the driver knocked on her hotel door to accompany her to
the car, and when she arrived at the book shop for her signing she
noticed there was a burly man watching over the queue of people
there to see her. With both Myron and her publishers taking the
threat seriously and lending her what support they could, she felt
her tense muscles relax. She gave the people around her a genuine
smile as she greeted them.
Her new bodyguard
accompanied her into the building which had a similar size and
layout to the Bath shop, with the slight exception of a café that
sat just behind her signing table. This early in the morning it
wasn't very busy, with just two women sat chatting over drinks. She
could tell from the size of their handbags and the child-related
objects flowing out of the top of one that they must have dropped
their young children off at some kind of nursery for a few hours to
themselves. Nothing unusual there, and not related to her stalker
or stage two of her training, but a good start in practising her
observational skills for the day.
It didn't take her
long to get into the usual routine that accompanied these events,
and keeping an eye out for strange people around her only slowed
the ritual by a few seconds as she took the opportunity to scan the
scene in front of her every time she posed for a photo with fans or
said goodbye to another satisfied reader. When she was physically
signing the books, she paused on her way to lean on the table to
glance over towards the café. She also gave the area a more in
depth sweep every time she took a drink from the bottled water she
was supplied with.
It wasn't long
before midday when she noticed a well-dressed man sitting in the
café at a small table. He'd moved the chair to one side from the
neat rows so he was angled towards her. She couldn't be sure, as
his glasses had an odd tint to them, but he appeared to be gazing
in her direction a lot, despite having a paper in his hands.
When she stopped
for lunch and noticed him looking at her for a third time, she
smiled and tilted her head ever so slightly sideways. He
immediately reached into his jacket pocket and pulled something
out, which he deftly folded into the paper as he closed it.
While she was
still looking he got up, placing his hand on top of the newspaper.
Before he walked away, he gave her a slight nod and tapped the top
of the paper with his fingers. A burst of emotion washed over her.
This was either her stalker or Myron's lesson, and at this point
she didn't know which.
She did know she
needed to