“Bunker 37”. We’ve decided to spy on Pike and Croaka during each art lesson, to see they let any more clues slip.
Thursday, 12 th September
Oh dear, Diary!
Cleo and Clarice have started serious campaigns to get voted in as head of year prefects. It’s a bit of a joke really, because they’re usually so mean, but at the moment they’re being sickly sweet to everyone just to get people’s votes. It’s all so fake.com . They even baked cupcakes this morning and offered them around in the common room but I didn’t take one.
The problem is, Arabella’s decided that her and I should also run for the prefect jobs, just because she hates Cleo and Clarice so much. It’s a nightmare, Diary, I’m telling you! I tried to get out of it but she wouldn’t give up so in the end I said I’d do it just to keep her quiet.
As you can imagine, Cleo and Clarice are being perfectly beastly to us about it. They went in to cackles of laughter when they first heard we were in the running and each time they see us they shout, “Losers” really loudly. Nasty things.
Arabella has emailed her dad, asking him to have two campaign t-shirts made, with a photograph of us two printed on the front, (she sent him one she took this morning just before French, I have my eyes shut and she looks cross eyed) with “Vote for Arabella and Davina” written in blue sequins above our faces. Oh lawks, I hope she doesn’t expect me to wear it around school, because it would be so EMBARRASING DOT COM!
Anyway, we have art this afternoon, so you never know, Diary, we might learn some more about Pike and Croaka’s dirty secrets if we keep our ears and eyes open…
Friday, 13 th September
OK Diary,
Action stations! Yesterday during art I overheard Croaka – who seems to be the brains of the bunch – tell Pike to meet her in Little Pineham after school and to bring the key.
Little Pineham is the nearest village to our school and first year pupils are strictly NOT allowed to go there without a teacher. There are two supervised visits a month and I’m rather scared at the moment, because Arabella and I are about to break the rules. We’re going to sneak out tomorrow, which is Saturday so no lessons, and get the bus there ON OUR OWN! WITHOUT TELLING ANY TEACHERS!
There is a reason for this madness. You see, Arabella’s been to Little Pineham before - she was one of the few pupils who arrived here by train on the first day and the station is on the edge of the village. Her parents aren’t as rich as mine, I don’t mean that in a bad way, (at least her parent’s miss her and email and phone all the time, I’d rather have not-so-rich parents that did that. Mine have only sent me one postcard so far that said, “Hello Darling, hope you’re having fun. We’ll be away at our undisclosed location for an undisclosed length of time but that doesn’t matter now you don’t live at home, does it? Lots of love Mum and Dad”), and they were trying to save money. When Croaka talked about taking the key to Little Pineham, Arabella suddenly remembered seeing a row of storerooms – which I suppose could also be called bunkers - opposite the station, each with a heavy padlock on its doors. So we’re going to Little Pineham to investigate these storerooms/bunkers and see if there is a number
thirty seven
, like it says on Pike’s key tag. The mystery continues…
I’m going to go now, Diary, because my hand won’t write properly. It’s shaking a bit because I’m so nervous.
P.S. I got a letter from Carrie today and guess what? She’s coming to visit me next weekend! A week tomorrow in fact. I
can’t wait to see her. I’m going to tell her all about Pike and Croaka.
Sunday, 15 th September
Uh oh Diary,
What have we got ourselves in to? The situation is a lot more serious than we thought.
Yesterday morning when I walked past the art room (without being seen of course), I saw that the charming pair, Clarice and Cleo, had roped the other