The Tempest

The Tempest Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Tempest Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charlotte Hawkins
Tags: Romance, Historical
foot hurts like the blazes. What is wrong with it?”
    “It is broken quite badly,” she replied, setting aside the ruined shards of pottery. “You will be without the use of it for some time.” She came to him, adjusting the pillows behind his head, and he grumbled at the way she seemed so intent in caring for him…when he knew very well she had ulterior motives. Just like all women. He turned his head away for a moment, muttering darkly.
    “Left alone to die. Hobbled and broken. Why have you wasted your time on me?”
    She adjusted the quilt around him, her reply quiet and calm. “It is my duty, my lord. My Christian duty. I will not flinch from it.”
    He gave a disgusted snort in reply. Stupid, stubborn little wench, he thought .
    As she adjusted the coverlet, he felt a wave of heat from his fever. He pushed away the offending quilt.
    “I am on fire. Do not cover me.”
    She became silent again, wordlessly reaching for the cup of water. As she handed it to him, he took a moment to examine her. She briefly met his gaze before looking away again, and he noted the darkness of her eyes. Deep brown, almost black. Upon closer inspection of her, it seemed her hair was not as dark as he’d first thought. Chestnut brown, it was…and lustrous in the shine of candlelight. No, she was not quite the same as Marian. Still, she was something to look at. What a disappointment that such beauty was wasted on a lowborn commoner. She was hardly worth a second look. And yet, he knew a few things she was probably good for. He almost found pleasure at the thought of it.
    Perhaps when I am recovered, I will use her like any other servant girl. They always serve a purpose…for ten or fifteen minutes.
    He wondered if she would shrink in fear if he voiced his thoughts to her. He enjoyed the thrill of making others afraid of him. There was so very little in the world that a man could truly control. There was strength in power, in domination. And she would certainly be a sweet conquest. He opened his mouth to speak, to say what he was thinking and see how she would react.
    But suddenly she walked away, leaving him to wonder what she was up to. His thoughts became dark, full of suspicion.
    I should not be surprised if she has Hood waiting in the next room, ready to spring forth at any moment. Filthy peasants. Every one of them the same, keeping in league with outlaws and other scum of the earth.
    When she returned, he saw she was very much without company. In her hand she carried a cloth bundle, which she brought to the end of the bed. When she reached down to touch his ankle he flinched, scowling darkly at her, his voice almost a growl.
    “Do not touch me.”
    She shook her head slightly.
    “I am sorry my lord, but if I do not apply the compress, the pain will only intensify.” She reached for his foot again, but he would not allow it.
    “Can you not hear properly? I said do not touch me!”
    But before he finished speaking she pressed the compress to his foot, and he shrieked in pain, cursing her.
    “God’s teeth, you little witch! That hurts!”
    “It must hurt if it is to heal! You should be grateful to havice at hand!”
    The sudden force of her voice…the power in her tone…shocked him for a moment. But then his eyes narrowed dangerously at her.
    “How dare you speak to me in that way.”
    Her voice softened, but was just as firm. “I am sorry my lord, but if I stand by and do nothing, you will only be in more pain.”
    Saying nothing further, concentrating on her work, she secured the cold compress by binding his foot tightly with linen. He clenched his teeth as she tended to him. And after a moment or so, he came to a strange realization.
    I cannot feel the pain so intently. The cold affects it. But I will be damned if I let her know she is right.
    “I am hungry,” he muttered. “Fetch me something to eat.”
    She only stared at him for a moment, as if she were offended by his commanding tone. He half-expected her to
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