The Suicide Project (Rebirth Book 1)

The Suicide Project (Rebirth Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Suicide Project (Rebirth Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Yazz Ustaris
dancing in the gym, playing basketball, or hula hooping, we always had a blast when we were together. I found it flattering that the guys always wanted to spend their free time with me. It only made my fondness of them grow.
    As Sam and I began to wipe down the large padded floor mat with alcohol wipes, Gideon proceeded to unplug and retrieve our portable stereo that we tended to bring wherever we went. Tossing my used wipes in the garbage can, a sense of urgency suddenly came over me. Yay! Shower time! I felt relaxed but decidedly grungy and was starting to feel impatient for my ritualistic steamy shower. I loved getting clean as much as I loved eating and sleeping.
    My stomach protested with a quiet gurgle, communicating to my brain that my body's desire for food was every bit as urgent as my need for cleanliness. I swallowed audibly, my mouth watering as visions of baked chicken and steamed veggies started to dance in my head. Or perhaps tonight, I'd be having a thick juicy steak with a mountain of grilled asparagus on the side. Ooh la la, come to Mama. And for dessert? I was really craving strawberries with a balsamic vinegar glaze. My dinner possibilities were endless and I felt my salivary glands shifting into overdrive. Yay for food! I have a very high metabolism and feel like I'm constantly stuffing my face, but the bottom line is, I love food and I love to eat. It became a running joke amongst the guys that 75% of the time, my mind was centered on food. Sometimes it sucked being ruled by my stomach because honestly, by the time breakfast was served, I was already day dreaming about what I was going to have that night for dinner.
    Suddenly, my stomach made a loud growling noise as it demanded to be fed, and this time I knew the guys had to have heard it—it was so loud. Laughing at me, Gideon said, “Alright, let’s get you a snack before you keel over.” Grinning cheekily at them as I made my way towards the exit, I glanced directly at the camera mounted above the doorway and executed a perfect salute to whomever happened to be watching. This was our last night here so why stop now, I shrugged to myself. Might as well go for broke. I glanced behind me to see what the other two would do, and threw my head back in laughter as I saw Gideon raise his arm and press a kiss to his flexed bicep. Next to him, Sam performed a single pelvic thrust at the camera while grunting a loud, “Uhh!”. I loved the guys. There was never a dull moment between the three of us and I wouldn't want it any other way.
    Weaving our way through the Mess Hall, we stopped long enough to say hello to Amos the cook, and to grab some apples, bananas, and grapes from the fruit bowl to tide us over until dinner. I was ravenous, and concentrated on not choking as I shoved the juicy green grapes into my mouth three at a time, swallowing before I was completely done chewing. Sam had to pound me on my back a few times as I felt a piece of grape start to go down the wrong tube.
    “Slowly!” admonished Gideon as he regarded me reproachfully, my eyes watering as I coughed a few times to clear my throat all the way. So embarrassing!
    “I'm okay.” I managed to croak reassuringly, as I abandoned my remaining grapes to Sam and got to work on my banana. I swear, I have zero will power when it comes to food. As we reached the door to the Common Room, a package on the coffee table caught our eye.
    Gideon rubbed his hands together in glee while Sam and I looked on. “Hmm…let's see what the Commons Fairy brought us today guys” he quipped, my choking fit now forgotten. It was another one of the mysteries of this place. If we verbally expressed to one another that we needed something or wished we had something, it would magically appear a week or so later, sometimes sooner.
    For instance, one day my lips were super chapped from having to run outside in the blistering sun, so I commented to the guys, “I wish I had some cherry lip balm, and some SPF 50
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