The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette)

The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Stolen Valkyrie: Broken Bonds (Part One) (Fantasy Erotic Romance Novelette) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ana Meadows
upon the bed, “Your supplies are already packed. Your attendees along with the clan are waiting for ye.”
    Without another word, he left their abode. Tani rushed to help her dress, assuring, “Kelci and I will be your escorts. She is bringing the horses around now. We must hurry to get a full day’s travel.”
    Glancing at the door, Asta was surprised to see the sun high in the sky. Noticing this, Tani said, “Ye were in a deep sleep. I tried waking ye earlier.”
    Still groggier than she could ever remember, Asta pulled on her clothing and followed Tani out of the spacious hut. Kelci was bidding her bond mate from just a couple of months past goodbye. Spotting Johan with her horse, she headed his way and called, “Master Johan, what trouble do our Western lands have that ye must send me away?”
    Asta did not mind the travel but dreaded crossing the many rivers throughout their journey. Johan studied her face and said, “The border village guards need strengthening. A warrior from the group I sent last week returned this morning. I cannot send more or it will weaken Clan Zajihn. What worries ye, Mistress Asta?”
    She quickly shook her head, running a loving hand over her stallion. Johan scooped Asta into his arms but, instead of kissing her goodbye, immediately sat her atop the horse. Noting her lethargy, he cocked an eyebrow, “Ye look frail. Did I overwork my Mistress last night?”
    His jab squared her shoulders. Settling upon the stallion, she picked up the reins and said, “Of course not. I simply need sustenance.”
    Already sitting atop her own horse, Tani spurred it forward and told her, “Grand Mistress Asta, your bladder of water and meat paste lies within the satchel directly to your back.”
    Asta urged her horse forward as she reached behind her to drag the satchel forth. Johan called, “Ride well, Great Mistress Gojicia of Zajihn.”
    With a sharp slap to the horse’s rump, he sent them off on their journey. They rode at a steady pace throughout the day, intermittently stopping to rest the horses and eat. Approaching the first of many rivers, Asta took a calming breath and ignored Tani’s anxious eyes upon her.
    Sensing its rider’s nervousness, Tani’s horse shifted beneath her. Defying her fear in the face of her attending clanswomen, Asta quickly dug her heels into her own horse. Tani stroked her horse’s back, never more proud of her Chief Mistress than at that moment. She strived to be as strong and proud as Asta. With shoulders held high, she plunged her own horse into the river but kept a keen eye on the Mistress.
    Asta’s mind focused on hunting for their meal. Anticipation strengthened her resolve as the flowing water lapped at her legs. When they cleared the bank, Asta released her white-knuckled grip on the stallion’s mane and urged her fellow clanswomen forward, “Lag not for we must hurry to make camp in the groves before nightfall.”
    Slapping the flank of her horse with a foot, Kelci moved easily beside Asta and called, “Ye look pale, Grand Mistress. Are ye well?”
    Forcing herself to relax and smile, Asta said, “Of course, I’m well.”
    With heels digging into her horse, Asta leaned forward and distanced herself from the sound of the river. She welcomed the wind blowing through her hair and wondered if the pulp from the night before had worked.
    Goddess be with me! It must work or…
    She frowned, thinking of how Johan would make an excellent father. The thought of not being able to sneak off and hunt due to a swollen belly was simply too much though. Pushing those images away, she urged her horse faster as if running from the very idea. She did not allow it to slow until Tani’s horse galloped beside her.
    Tani pointed to a grove of trees and shouted, “Night is nearing. We have to choose a campsite.”
    Hoping they were far enough from the water’s edge, Asta reluctantly pulled at the reins
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