The Soul's Mark: FOUND

The Soul's Mark: FOUND Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Soul's Mark: FOUND Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ashley Stoyanoff
steaming plates of
pasta and garlic bread in front of each of them.   Once they each had a heaping plate, she
returned to the sink and worked silently on the dishes.   Amelia had been wondering if she would join
them, but she guessed not.   Maybe she
eats afterwards?   Not sure how this whole
housekeeper thing worked, she filed the question at the back of her mind for
    “I see you found the clothes I left.   I hope everything fit okay,” Angelle said.
    “They’re wonderful, thank you,” Amelia
said, feeling a blush creep up the back of her neck.   She didn’t usually embarrass this easily and
she wondered what that was about.   It surely
wasn’t the first time someone had given her clothes.   Since she had arrived though, she had been
blushing at every little thing.   Maybe it
was because they were all just so kind and, well, who was she trying to kid,
really, really good looking.
    Eric dug in, slurping up the creamy
noodles.   Sitting close, she was
tantalized by the scent of his musky cologne.   Amelia had never spent much time noticing boys before.   They had always been just an unneeded
distraction from what was really important, an education.   But somehow he had gotten under her skin and
was quickly turning her mind to mush.
    “So, Angelle tells me that you are quite a
math wiz,” Luke said, and then took a bite of the crunchy garlic bread.
    Amelia gave her head a little shake,
realizing that he was talking to her.   “Um, I get by I guess,” Amelia stuttered, twirling some pasta onto her
    “Don’t be so modest, Amelia,” Angelle said,
shooting a dazzling smile across the table.   “She designed an accounting program last year for her grade twelve
credit,” she said to Luke.   “You two
should sit down some time.   She could
probably teach you a few things.”
    Luke chuckled and gave a thoughtful look to
Amelia.   “Yes, I think that would be a
great idea if you’re willing?”
    “I guess I could.”   Amelia took a small bite of the pasta she had
finally managed to wrap around her fork.   The flavor of creamy, cheesy sauce exploded in
her mouth and she realized that she was starving and shoveled more in.   “This is so good,” Amelia said between bites.
    The food was so good that Amelia managed to
forget Eric and the others while she continued to stuff herself.   It had been ages since she had an actual
home-cooked meal and the flavors were magnificent.   No doubt, Mabel had made everything from
scratch.   You just couldn’t make
something that great from a can.
    Amelia was so distracted by the food that
when Eric reached over and yanked the top of her turtleneck down, she didn’t
pull away.   “Why did you bother getting a
tattoo if you’re just gonna cover it up?” he asked.
    “It’s not a tattoo,” Amelia snapped, her
sense coming back to her.   She pulled away,
fixing her top to cover her birthmark and placed a secure hand over it.   “It’s a birthmark and I cover it up because I
hate talking about it.”   Eric snickered,
trying to hold in his laughter and Amelia shot him a dirty look.   “What’s so funny?” she asked, her voice
coming out more annoyed then she had meant it to sound.
    “Sorry,” Eric said, breaking out in
laughter.   “It’s just that you were born
with the alchemy symbol for soul and you think it’s just some birthmark?   Damn girl, I thought you were supposed to be
like a genius or something.”
    “I wouldn’t say I’m a genius but I’m smart
enough to know it’s just a birthmark.”   Soul , Amelia thought.   It
means soul?   She had never really
thought about it meaning something before.   She always assumed that it was just some weird
birthmark, a figure eight with a solid line passing behind the bottom
circle.   She pushed the thought back,
deciding she would have to look it up later.   “Can we talk about something else?”
    “Of course sweetie,” Angelle chirped,
giving Eric a disapproving
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