worked together in perfect unity to gain her worship and servitude.
Ephesians 6:10-18 kept coming to her mind, and even though she knew it well, she looked at the scripture again. "Jesus, I feel like You are trying to tell me something here. Please open my spiritual eyes to see it."
Verses 11 and 12 grabbed her heart. "Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities , against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world , against spiritual wickedness in high places ." (KJV)
Nicole took this into the tabernacle inside her mind, her meeting place with Jesus. He was sitting behind a large desk with books and papers in front of Him as if He were studying, and she sat down opposite from Him.
"Jesus, I know that the devil's scheme is to gain my worship. I know I'm in a war with principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness…" She paused as comprehension came to her. "That's it isn't it? You want to show me something about the hierarchy in Satan's kingdom!"
Jesus was smiling at her, so she opened her Strong's Concordance and saw that the Greek word for principality (Arche : G746 ) was " Beginning, origin, the person or thing that commences (begins, initiates), the first person or thing in a series, the leader,…the active cause, corner, the first place, rule, magistrate (judge or government)." This class of demonic spirits would most likely be the counterparts of the archangels in God's Kingdom. They would be assigned to rule over nations, states, cities…and while they were territorial, Nicole believed that they could also rule over individuals.
She continued her search investigating. P owers ( exousia: G1849) had been given the ability or strength to exercise the power, the right, the jurisdiction and privilege of authority and influence to rule or govern. Their will and commands must be submitted to and obeyed by those under them.
"Jesus, who are these powers? Who gives them this authority, power and right to rule? And who do they rule?"
She realized that the principalities give the powers authority to rule, and those powers rule the armies of demons in the kingdom of darkness under them.
She thought about Trisha and the way the Holy Spirit had worked from the bottom of the hierarchy to the top as she had confessed her sin then renounced each demon associated with that sin, disarming the rights of the powers and commanding them to leave. Jesus had then been able to deal with the principality of Leviathan.
Then she thought of Samaria. It suddenly made sense! Nicole couldn't wait to tell Casie her thoughts and punched in her number on the phone hoping that she would pick up.
"Hey sweet girl," Casie answered. "What's up?"
"You are not going to believe this!" Nicole practically shouted with anticipation. "I know who the principality over Samaria is! And I believe that the Lord is giving us the beginning of a strategy to overcome!"
"You're kidding! Who is it?"
"Incubus Succubus!"
"Wow. Ok, tell me."
Nicole recounted her dream then said, "Think about it. Godly sex is the purest and greatest expression of love and intimate relationship there is between two people. So Satan has tried to take that for himself by assigning IS the function of enticing people into defiling, perverted, counterfeit sexual experiences that lead them away from Jesus and all godly relationships, and into a life of worship and servitude to him. This always results in bondage and ultimately death."
"Oh my goodness girl!" Casie exclaimed. "So even though sexual bondage is huge with this strongman, his goal is to gain worship and control through appealing to any of our fleshly desires. This could mean that he is the strongman behind every addiction. I mean, think about it. Eve was seduced with a piece of fruit."
"Good point,"
Terra Wolf, Holly Eastman
Tom - Jack Ryan 09 Clancy